
Showing posts with the label vermont

A Few Old, Scrapped Photos

My health took a nosedive more than a week ago... and then, more recently, took a deeper nosedive with terrible nausea, weakness and general malaise holding me back and keeping near the bathroom. I'm still recovering but, as always when I am recovering, I am now trying to find little things around the house that I can actually accomplish without triggering my health to crash yet again.  This time around, I decided to scroll through some old photos to see if could find anything worth salvaging. All three of these photos, below, were shot at Oakledge Park on Lake Champlain. These photos were shot back a number of years ago when I was shooting with a couple of cameras that did nothing but cause me grief. I always seemed to struggle to get decent shots and especially when the light was not ideal. Ironically, the light was terrible for all three of these photos below. I really had to search to find good, interesting light. This first photo was shot from a rocky beach looking towar

Neighborhood Bear

While I was sitting on the couch this evening, some movement caught my eye out our living room window in the road right outside our house. As I looked more carefully out the window, I could have sworn I saw a good sized Black Bear. I wasn't completely sure it was a bear since I only saw the rear half of the bear before he disappeared in our neighbor's yard.  Since there are quite a few kids who wander around this trailer park throughout the evening and early nightfall, I wanted to make sure I was seeing things clearly so I jumped up and quickly headed outside. Within a few feet of the house, I stopped in my tracks as a rather  big Black Bear was slowly sauntering toward me. He also stopped, looked up at me, and then turned into our neighbor's yard across the street. It was clear he wanted to avoid human contact and that is a good thing but I still had some concerns about a bear wandering through the streets in our little neighborhood. We continued to watch for the bear

No, Not a Field Trip... but, An Adventure

We had the grandkids again this past Sunday while Liza dealt with last minute arrangements for her wedding this coming weekend. It's nice to be getting back into our normal routine! The kids arrived at our house thinking we were going on some sort of "field trip". We explained that while field trips are a nice break from school that are related to school, we're not going on a field trip... we're going on a winter adventure! Since Lukey arrived in only some sweat pants, a tee shirt and a lightweight fleece while it was snowing outside, I decided to tease them a bit by asking if Lukey thought he was coming to our house just to go to bed. He didn't have much of a response so I continued, saying that our adventure will take us to some snowy mountaintop... they immediately thought we were going to the lake house and that we were going to climb Owl's Head Mountain again... I asked Lukey why he wasn't dressed for our winter adventure but, again, he didn&#

Tracking a Bald Eagle for Miles

We hadn't seen the resident Bald Eagle pair in a couple of days so we were wondering where they were hiding. We also hadn't seen any other significant wildlife such as bobcats and bears so I was feeling I needed to wander out to find something worth photographing. Sheila and I headed out on our kayaks yesterday morning. I had three cameras in my kayak... a Sony action video camera, a Sony full-frame camera with a 70-200mm lens, and a Sony crop camera with a 400mm F5.6L lens which gives me an equivalent of 600mm. I also brought along a wide angle lens for any landscape photos that may present itself. With these cameras, I was confident I could capture photos of loons, Bald Eagles, bears, bobcats, turtles or whatever wildlife appeared.  About a mile from our lake house, I pulled to the shore to check a nice sandy beach on State land for any tracks... I saw none. We continued on down toward the dam at the end of the lake.  As we approached the end of the lake, I noticed a r

A Few Photos from Yesterday

Yesterday was perhaps one of the most beautiful days we've had at the lake. The visibility was noticeably crystal clear... the sun was bright... it was warm... the water was warm... it was quiet... and I was in very nice company! Today, weather-wise, was fair but both Sheila and I were exhausted. We ended up sleeping away most of the day. I had some health issues last night too and that always has a tremendous bearing on the days afterward. Today was no exception. We pretty much just slept and rested all day.  This evening, however, I had some time to sort through some of yesterday's photos... At this point in sharing these photos here I must ask, "Have I mentioned lately how much I love my Sony cameras, microphones, stereos, mp3 players, and televisions?" These photos here remind of just how much I love Sony electronics. It is a joy using cameras which produce such beautiful tonality and color while also providing the fastest and most accurate au