
A Select Few of Cruise Photos

W e went on a lunchtime cruise on Lake Champlain the other day with Lukey and Kenzie.  The lunch was good, the weather was beautiful, the cruise was nice and relaxing, and we had a great time! As always, I shot many photos but I suppose I should now say that we shot many photos.  Lukey and Kenzie may have shot as many photos as I did this time out.  They are shooting more and more photos as they get older and they captured a few great photos on this day.  Another plus with them shooting more and more photos with my cameras is that I end up with photos of myself too which never used to happen when I was the only one shooting photos! Until I find the time and energy to write more with more photos of our cruise, here are a select few of photos from our cruise the other day.  And, I should point out that all of these photos in this blog entry were shot by Lukey and Kenzie...

Piano Duet with Lukey

L ukey hasn't had any formal lessons on piano, but he is improving by leaps and bounds each time I sit down at the piano with him.  For the past couple of weeks, we've been working on a Hoagy Carmichael piece that just about everybody knows...  "Heart and Soul".   We worked on this piece only a few minutes every other day but that was enough for Lukey to learn it.  Lukey practiced his bass part whenever he could fit in some time at the piano.  He did very, very well and he took direction exceptionally well!   This morning, we kicked the girls out of the living room/kitchen area and set up a camera so we could do a quick recording of this duet standard.  After about 12 takes, we finally had a good one which made both of us happy...  finally!   Edit:  Lukey didn't really realize what I was talking about whenever I mentioned that recording is more difficult than simply performing.  You become acutely aware of every little mistake and then you become more cautious whi

Dry, Trampled Putting Green

L ukey and I played on the new putting green a couple of days early last week.  We had a great time and were looking forward to spending time "Pitching and Putting" more often.  Unfortunately, the putting green took a bit of a nosedive so we haven't been using the putting green at all.  Well...  we haven't been using the putting green for golf.  I've been busy working on trying to revive the new putting green. In order to choose the right remedy, I needed to figure out what went wrong.  This was a bit of a problem because I really only had a bunch of guesses on what went wrong.  Let's list them... 1.  We used the putting green too soon before the new grass had time to mature and become hardier.   2.  Maybe my new putting green had a disease. 3.  Perhaps I didn't keep it moist enough once we started using it. 4.  Or the opposite...  perhaps I had some root rot and I had been watering it too much.   5.  Maybe the pH wasn't right for this type of grass. 6

Weekly Weenie Roast and S'mores

W henever the grandkids are staying with us, we try to do a weekly weenie roast followed by S'mores over a fire in the backyard.  Of course, the weather must cooperate and, naturally, the weather has been rather lousy this past week for the kids' first week here with us.  Fortunately, we managed to have a weenie roast on a rather chilly, damp but dry evening under overcast skies.  The fire definitely helped keep us warm even though it was a bit chilly.  And, regardless of a little bit of dampness and chilliness, we had a nice meal and a really nice time! The hot dogs roasted over the fire were delicious and I made some New York Deli-style potato salad to go along with them.  I don't make that potato salad often enough!   Here are a few photos from the evening (photos shot mostly by Lukey and Kenzie this time) followed by a very short video...

A Catch with Lukey

W henever Lukey stays with us we will play catch whenever the weather permits.  We had a couple of nice weather days so we threw a baseball back and forth on each day.  Most of our time was spent playing golf on the new putting green in the backyard though.  I'll write more about that another time.   While Lukey and I were throwing a baseball, Kenzie was busy in the playhouse.  She was doing a spring cleaning to get the playhouse ready for summer.  She wiped off all the accumulated dirt and pollen and vacuumed up all the spider webs and debris.  I haven't peaked into the playhouse yet but I am sure it is looking good.   Below is a short video of Lukey and me.  We decided to do something different by shooting some video of ourselves.  At the end of the video is a short outtake...  I had an annoying Deer Fly biting my legs, over and over, until I eventually squashed it against the top of my sneaker.  This outtake is a full minute of me trying to put an end to this relentless atta

First Day with Lukey and Kenzie

L ukey and Kenzie arrived yesterday to stay with us for a couple of weeks.  It was a nice first day with them and they were greeted with a nice surprise when they arrived...  waiting in the yard were two new bicycles!  They had outgrown their old bicycles so Gee and Papa purchased two size-appropriate bicycles.  Needless to say, they were pretty excited so this was their first activity of the day.  Actually, they did a lot of riding... Kenzie arrived at the house wearing sandals but she changed into sneakers immediately so she could ride her new bike... While I was waiting for Lukey and Kenzie to make a lap past our house, I decided to shoot a photo of the house... I think Lukey was a bit torn between riding his new bike and playing golf.  After some initial bike riding, Lukey and I spent a lot of time pitching with a wedge onto the green and then putting on the green.  Lukey even got a hole-in-one once! After a short while, I realized that we needed to do some groundskeeping so I pull

Gee and Kenzie Run a 5K Together

K enzie has been participating in Girls on the Run this school year.  Girls on the Run is a program that is designed to build confidence and character.  As a part of this program, she has been training after school for a 5K run.  Each of the girls can have a running partner so she asked Gee if she would like to do the run with her and, of course, Gee wanted to do this 5K run the moment Kenzie asked her.   Unfortunately, running had been a bit of a problem for Gee.  She was getting some pain in her joints whenever she ran so she had stopped running and replaced the running with walking and yoga.  Gee started training for the 5K run right away anyway by starting very slowly.  Then, Gee had some possible heart problems that were picked up by her fitness smart watch.  We quickly scheduled a few appointments with the appropriate doctors and, fortunately, Gee was cleared for a 5K run with Kenzie.   (After some tests, we found that the possible heart problems were not worth mentioning.  What

A Landscaping Day

Today was a landscaping day.   Mostly, I was focused on the lawn and especially the new putting green.  The new grass in the putting green is filling in nicely.  The grassy area in front of the putting green is coming along but there are still a few bare spots as you can see in the second photo, below.  Some new grass should be popping up out of the bare spots in the next few days.   Mowing a putting green is something new to me.  I started with my usual mulching mower in the hope of picking up most of the debris that has already fallen from the surrounding trees.  We have all sorts of seeds that have fallen from nearby oaks and elms (I think).  After sort of vacuuming up the putting green using my usual mower, I then went at it with a reel mower.  This reel mower cuts much closer and it worked very well.  The putting green is looking very nice. The rest of the lawn around the house is looking nice too.  I spent extra time and effort on seeding bare spots and then fertilizing the lawn.

Crutches and Couch Again

T his blog entry sat around in my drafts folder for a couple of weeks!   I guess I should finish it and publish it. My joints have been terribly and painfully inflamed for the past week or so...  knees, ankles, toes...  I spent a few days on the couch because I could not walk at all.  I was on crutches for a short while and then a cane.  Now I am just limping around.  My left elbow is beginning to get inflamed too.  Sheila already has elbow problems.  According to our doctors, these joint problems are likely related to long-COVID issues.  Sheila is dealing mostly with inflamed joints in her upper body while I am mostly dealing with inflamed joints in my lower body.  My elbow isn't feeling so great at the moment though.  We'll see how this develops. I did some work in the yard today and, by the time I finished for the day, my right foot felt was though it were broken.  I came inside, showered and then hit the couch again with an icepack.  It is feeling a bit better now...  rathe

Watching Grass Grow

I t has been about two weeks since I seeded the new putting green in our backyard.  The grass is coming up nicely but it is a slow and almost painful process watching new grass grow while hoping it would finally be mature enough to do some pitching and putting.   I've been watering all the new grass around the property every morning and every evening so I'm really not just sitting around waiting for the grass to grow.  I have a bajillion other springtime projects that are keeping me busy when my health allows too.  Waiting for this new grass to grow does seem like an awful lot of waiting though.   In the first photo, above right, we are looking at the putting green from our backyard.  The grassy field beyond the putting green in this photo is our neighbor's yard.  The putting green is in the farthest back part of our yard.  The photo below, at bottom, is looking at the putting green from the new area that I cleared out and also seeded.  This will be an area for pitching ont