Watching Grass Grow
It has been about two weeks since I seeded the new putting green in our backyard. The grass is coming up nicely but it is a slow and almost painful process watching new grass grow while hoping it would finally be mature enough to do some pitching and putting.
I've been watering all the new grass around the property every morning and every evening so I'm really not just sitting around waiting for the grass to grow. I have a bajillion other springtime projects that are keeping me busy when my health allows too. Waiting for this new grass to grow does seem like an awful lot of waiting though.
In the first photo, above right, we are looking at the putting green from our backyard. The grassy field beyond the putting green in this photo is our neighbor's yard. The putting green is in the farthest back part of our yard. The photo below, at bottom, is looking at the putting green from the new area that I cleared out and also seeded. This will be an area for pitching onto the green. The new grass is coming along slowly but nicely in this area too.
In another week or so, the grass might be tall enough to mow with a very low cut reel mower. I'm really looking forward to that! After that first cut, I'll dig the hole for the cup and flag.
I've told Lukey that I started working on a new putting green but I don't think he really has any idea of the size of this area nor how much of a difference that this new grass will make for better putting. Time will tell... he'll be staying with us for a couple of weeks starting in the next couple of weeks. That should give the new grass enough time to mature... hopefully!
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