A Select Few of Cruise Photos

We went on a lunchtime cruise on Lake Champlain the other day with Lukey and Kenzie.  The lunch was good, the weather was beautiful, the cruise was nice and relaxing, and we had a great time!

As always, I shot many photos but I suppose I should now say that we shot many photos.  Lukey and Kenzie may have shot as many photos as I did this time out.  They are shooting more and more photos as they get older and they captured a few great photos on this day.  Another plus with them shooting more and more photos with my cameras is that I end up with photos of myself too which never used to happen when I was the only one shooting photos!

Until I find the time and energy to write more with more photos of our cruise, here are a select few of photos from our cruise the other day.  And, I should point out that all of these photos in this blog entry were shot by Lukey and Kenzie...


  1. Wow I must say Lukey and Kenzie are taking great shots. Have you been giving them advice Patrick?? . Nice to see you in a photo too. It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen Lukey and Kenzie. Where has the time gone??.

    1. Yes, I have been giving them advice. It has only been recently that they have been heeding that advice and asking questions though. It is really nice to have a second and third photographer for these types of events now and especially since that puts me in some of the photos.


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