No News is Good News?

It seems that most people think that no news is good news. Well, that is not the case for me. Actually, that never has been the case with me. I can tell you with absolute certainty that if I go quiet for a while, something is not quite "good".

I am still struggling with my health (since Christmas) and I have had a few relatively minor incidents and episodes over the past couple of weeks. That being said, I think that if I look at how lousy my health has been over the past four months, my health has actually been relatively stable in the past couple of weeks. It is still worse than I feel it should be and I feel rates as quite lousy and debilitating.

I've struggled with some mast cell-related issues, as always, as well as some spinal injury-related issues over the past couple of weeks. As one would expect, struggles with both of these issues still seem to grind my life to a halt. This grinding wears me out too!

I never celebrate Easter so never really have anything to report about this holy day/weekend (not a "holiday" as many seem to think) but the week leading up to Easter and Easter weekend was quite uneventful and unremarkable. This holy week was so unremarkable, in fact, that it was almost remarkable! (Otherwise I would not be writing about it here.) Sheila was sick with strep throat and I was simply worn out and exhausted. The two of us spent most of the week and weekend on the couch. On the positive side, Sheila is doing better now and getting back into her normal daily routine and work routine. During this entire time, however, I have been feeling like I am fighting off strep throat in addition to struggling with my usual health problems.

A week and a half ago, we bought some supplies for a small project in our bathroom but I have not had an opportunity to accomplish a thing. The lumber still sits quietly... and slightly obtrusively... in our hallway. I suppose the good news is that I managed to get out to collect some building supplies. If I can't find the energy and health to do anything with those supplies, I feel that collecting them was just a significant waste of precious energy.

We have a roofing issue that requires me to climb up on the roof to do about an hour's worth of work for a temporary fix... as I sit here typing in the quiet house tonight, I can hear something banging on the roof. I just have not had the energy to climb a ladder nor has the weather been all that cooperative.

Yesterday morning was spent assembling a new car roof rack I bought for Sheila's new car. Her car needed a rack to carry our small fleet of kayaks. I thought this new roof rack with kayak "J" brackets would require only about an hour of my time and energy. Unfortunately, no instructions were included with the product so assembly required more mental energy than I wanted to expend. At about the three hour mark after starting this quick assembly project, I ran out of energy.  I finished the job after a long nap and some dinner. So, although it required about four times the amount of time I anticipated, I did manage to get the rack completely assembled. At some point I need to make sure it actually fits on Sheila's car. I managed to get his little project accomplished though.

We spent this morning at the dentist for an appointment for Adam. I slept in the waiting room almost the entire time we were there. I just could not keep my eyes open. After driving Adam back home, I slept all afternoon until it was time to do something about dinner.

A couple of my doctors are nagging me about visiting for checkups and some testing... I really have no energy to waste on that though and, as a result, have been canceling appointments and putting off even returning phone calls. 

In the past four months, my energy level has hit a new, never before seen, all-time low. As a result, I see no point in wasting what little energy I have on testing which will only benefit the doctors for research purposes. Virtually nothing has changed in the treatment of this incurable illness in the past dozen years so any testing really is only for research purposes. I am sooo done being a research subject though and it drains far too much of my energy. Just the act of traveling to and from these appointments drains me for a week!

Anyway... I feel like I am rambling... I just wanted to point out that my silence here lately has been due to some poor health and a severe lack of energy. While camped out on the couch last week, I have, however, put together a therapy/recovery plan to implement on some good mornings in the hope of gaining some strength after these past four lousy months...
