Some Time with Lukey and Kenzie

We've been missing a lot of time with Lukey and Kenzie over the past nine months. Sheila's cancer and cancer treatment really halted our life to a standstill quickly followed by a few other tragic events including the past three weeks in the hospital with our newest grandchild, Ellie. We'll be back at the hospital to spend some time with Ellie, Whitney and Wayne tomorrow but, today, we spent some time with Lukey and Kenzie.

Lukey was in desperate need of a haircut so that was first on our schedule today. Then we jumped right into some waffles for breakfast...

Kenzie and Gee spent some time doing some online clothes shopping. For the most part, their faces showed their mutual agreement in what they were seeing online...

We watched a movie during breakfast and then the kids got to play with some toys they even forgot that they have here at Gee and Papa's house! We also watched some air races for a little while... some astronomy videos... and, of course, a couple of train videos. 

All these health problems, including my own, have been interfering with seeing friends and family over the past nine months. We're at the point where we are feeling a bit isolated but both of us are seriously struggling with overwhelming energy issues. Also, it seems that when Sheila is feeling halfway decent, my health crashes and then I'm down for a few days or more. When I'm feeling halfway decent, Sheila is completely exhausted and in need of downtime and sleep. Then, when we throw in a few other family members spending time in the hospital, we are easily overwhelmingly spent. 

Sheila still has weekly appointments because of her latest bout with cancer. My own medical appointments are spinning up again. I think that, at this point, we'd both like to just hold our hands up and say to our doctors, "STOP... we need a break and the most important thing we need right now is weeks of extra sleep!" Because of medical appointments, we are both feeling as though life is passing right by us. We both feel exhausted and it seems the only thing we are accomplishing each day is getting to the hospital for whatever the need may be that particular moment. 

So, it was exceptionally nice to spend some time with Lukey and Kenzie and we hope that things will settle down enough very soon for us to see each other more often! 
