Lingering TBI Issues

I continue to have cognitive difficulties and overwhelming fatigue due to my mild-TBI.  I whacked my head on a low 2x4 brace while building our new trash shed back in early June of this year.  I briefly grayed-out...  knees buckled as I fell toward the ground...  then came to seeing stars in my vision.  Then, I whacked my head about half a dozen more times in the summer months while working around the house... same area of my head too!

This fatigue I am experiencing is both cognitive and physical.  I often forget about this injury but I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out why I've been so completely exhausted lately...  why I can't even write...  why I have no energy to even talk.

I struggle with overwhelming fatigue with my primary illness too but I usually have other symptoms accompany the fatigue.  These other symptoms are clearly related to my primary illness so I don't question the overwhelming fatigue at those times.  Lately, I am struggling with only overwhelming fatigue without the other usual symptoms.  I get up in the morning...  clean up, take my morning dose of medications...  and I am already exhausted and ready to go back to bed again. 

I can't think clearly enough to even effectively write about daily experiences here in my blog.  Consequently, I am very far behind in writing here in the blog.  I'm experiencing great difficulties in my other writings as well.  

Socially, I haven't been myself in recent months either.  I'm far quieter than usual...  sort of zoning out...  detached...  unsociable.  

My spinal pain has been brutal lately and I think it has been masking my head pain.  Sometimes I get a tingling feeling on the top of my head where I whacked my head...  sometimes I have relatively mild pain in that area, sometimes I get throbbing headaches where I whacked my head.  And, although rare, other times it feels fine.  My spinal pain has been far worse than my head pain so I think it often masks the head pain and I fail to notice it.  

Uggg...  I want to write more but my brain isn't cooperating.  I type three to five characters...  backspace, backspace...  retype a few characters...  backspace, backspace...  etc.  I can't think clearly enough to put my sentences and paragraphs in any cohesive order either.
