Lukey's New Steam Locomotive

We gave Lukey a new steam locomotive for his birthday.  When he first drove it on his layout, the locomotive would slip and slip and slip.  If it was pulling any cars whatsoever, it would lose traction and stall while the wheels would continue to spin. 

After cleaning the track...  and cleaning the wheels of the locomotive...  we determined that we needed to add something to the wheels to help add traction.  This is when I decided to give Bullfrog Snot a try so I placed an order online.  

The Bullfrog Snot arrived within days but today was the first chance that Lukey and I had to apply this new sticky green stuff.

We place the locomotive upside-down and cradled in a towel and applied some power to the wheels so they would turn.  Then we cleaned the wheels again so the Bullfrog Snot would stick to the wheels as best as possible and then started applying this sticky green goo called Bullfrog Snot.

We let it run for about a half hour, upside-down, while aiming a blow dryer at it in an attempt to dry the Snot as quickly as possible.  Then it was time for the test track.

First we tried it with the test track flat and level on the desk.  It worked just fine.  This was a step in the right direction.  Then we slipped a book under one end of the test track...   it worked just fine again.  Then we slipped three books under the test track for a ridiculously inclined test...  and SUCCESS!  Even this worked just fine!  

Here is a quick video of these tests...

Lukey is definitely happy that his new locomotive is now a pulling workhorse!

EDIT - November 6, 2020:  We found that the Bullfrog Snot that we applied to the wheels of this locomotive caused the locomotive to derail on all curves.  I think we may have applied it too liberally and the wheels ended up being unlevel.  I have since removed the sticky Bullfrog Snot but have not resolved the slipping wheels problem.  

My plan is to thin the Bullfrog Snot and try to apply it to the wheels a bit more sparingly.  Unfortunately, my health has been lousy so I have not had the energy to do anything further with this little project.  Lukey has not be visiting anyway due to the pandemic so I have some time to resolve this issue.   Oh yeah....  and the train room is now Sheila's home office so there is little room to set up and run trains.  We might need to wait until spring when we can take Lukey's train layout outside.  

Lukey and I did set up his layout outdoors one day this autumn but it was a short session due to rain rolling into the area.  I have some photos of that day that I should share here soon.
