Backyard After Cruise

Lukey and Kenzie were staying with us when we went on the cruise with the whole family so, after our cruise on Lake Champlain, we spent the evening in the backyard with Lukey and Kenzie.  Sheila and I haven't really had any time enjoying the backyard this summer due to the weather so it was nice to have suitable weather while Lukey and Kenzie were staying with us. 

While Lukey started a fire in the firepit, Kenzie and Gee moved Kenzie's dollhouses to the deck so she could play...

Since we had eaten well on the cruise and then stopped at The Longhorn for another meal on our way home, we weren't all that hungry for a full dinner so we opted for a weenie roast over the fire in the backyard.  I'm just about always up for a few hot dogs over a fire!

After some hot dogs, the kids and Gee had a few S'mores too!

As always, the sailboat got some attention...

Playing soccer in the road...  not ideal footwear but she is a far better soccer player than she realizes...

I'm not sure what this pose was about...  maybe a military aircraft had passed overhead?

Kenzie has one of my walkie talkies in her hand.  After a memorable day cruising on Lake Champlain, she and Lukey were brushing up on their radio communication vocabulary and technique by using the radios as though they were boats and the harbormaster...

After the sun went down, the glow-in-the-dark soccer ball was used in the road.  It would be cool playing soccer on a soccer field under moonlight with one of these balls...

It was a weekday night so we didn't stay out in the yard for long.  Our neighbors needed to go to work in the morning so we called it a night fairly early so we wouldn't be keeping everyone in the neighborhood awake.  Besides, we each needed to shower before going to bed after our active day in Burlington and then having some fun around a smoky fire in the yard.

It was a very busy day but we had fun!
