Fever Still Lingering
I'm feeling slightly better after a few more doses of antibiotic but my post-tick-bite fever is still lingering. I still have a long way to go with the antibiotic so I'm still very early in the treatment which means I probably shouldn't be surprised by the lingering fever. It is only a low grade fever but I am also taking NSAIDs which should be lowering the fever yet I still do have one so, without the NSAIDs, I can't help but wonder how high would my fever be?
I'm a bit more fatigued than what is "normal", I think. It is difficult to discern what might be due to my primary illness (Systemic Mastocytosis) or due to this tick bite. I am inexplicably exhausted though. Hmmm... maybe I should take some extra medications for my primary illness just in case this is related to that. (EDIT: I just did take extra medications.)
Sheila and I did some grocery shopping this evening and I felt rather crappy through that relatively short outing. I was a bit dizzy and generally feeling lousy. Feeling crappy in a grocery store is nothing new for me though so I didn't think much of it at the time. The drive was a bit painful too. I always feel my extensive spinal injuries when in a car but this evening also bothered my abdomen around the site of the tick bite.
I received a notification from the lab this afternoon that my tick has arrived and has been identified. Apparently I identified it correctly... a female adult American Dog Tick. Next, they will be doing an "Advanced Panel" of testing on the tick to see if they can identify what diseases it is carrying. They also pointed out that they suffered a building fire on Tuesday so they are in the process of moving the lab to another location which means there will be a bit of a delay with this Advanced Panel. Even though I'd really like to know what diseases this tick was carrying, I suppose it doesn't matter much since I am already on the maximum dosage antibiotic. Well... if things get worse, we could go to the hospital for IV antibiotic treatment but I doubt it will come to needing that. I'm on the maximum dosage for people recovering at home.
On a sidenote, we have a skunk tearing up our lawn yet again. This is beyond frustrating. I really wish we could go a season or two without any skunks in our neighborhood.
UPDATE: 31 May 2024 - My temperature was up at 100.0° for most of today too. Muscles ache... joints hurt... kidneys started hurting today too. And naturally, the kidney problem arises as we head into the weekend which means I cannot contact my doctor and will need to head to an ER if I feel it is necessary.
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