Running Two Trains in Our Garden

Yesterday, for the first time, I had the opportunity to run two trains in our garden at the same time.  I was able to run my newly upgraded trolley (reassembled yesterday morning) and my big steam locomotive with its tender and two passenger cars.  I have little to no experience running two trains at the same time, by myself, so I did everything much more slowly than usual.  I didn't want a collision!

While I was running these two trains, I kept moving the camera around the garden to get a few different perspectives.  The next time I do this, however, I need to pay closer attention to the levelness of the camera.  The camera I used doesn't have an electronic level so I eyeballed it on the small LCD screen in bright daylight...  less than an ideal way to clearly see things I need to see clearly.  I also need to be more creative and careful with different angles.  That being said, this is a fairly nice first video showing two trains running at the same time in our garden.  The perfectionist in me isn't satisfied with this video but I don't see me making another video for at least a few days.

Another thing that delays work like this (photo shoots and video) is the weather and this spring and summer has been wet!  Yesterday, I just barely managed to get all the trains and photography gear back indoors before we were hit with yet another thunderstorm.  

At this point, I don't think I'll be running trains again until Lukey is here to handle one of the trains...  so, tomorrow evening we'll probably have a short session with Lukey since he and Kenzie plan to be staying with us tomorrow night.  When I have Lukey here, it will be far easier to handle two trains!
