A Visit from the Park Owners

Today, the owners of the park were in town (which is rare) and stopped by to visit with Sheila and me for a short while today.  

It's funny...  I didn't recognize them at first!  We hadn't seen them in years and they've aged significantly through the pandemic.  At first, I just thought they were people who were going to ask about where to find one of our neighbors or ask whether I knew of any places for sale since that happens quite often (too often).  I recognized them within a second or two though.

We discussed some recent goings-on in the park and they seemed genuinely interested in our opinions which is nice.  Between infrastructure upgrades tearing up the whole park, heavy equipment continuously running up and down the road in low gear, and some rather dangerous problem neighbors (too many lately, actually), we had a lot to discuss.  I had actually been contemplating writing them a letter mentioning everything we discussed today but primarily the problems so it was great that they stopped by to talk with us.  This sort of interest between people seems to be a rarity in today's world so it was a nice visit.  

Before they left, they kindly let us know that we're their favorite land lessee and that our place is the nicest looking place in the park.  And, they thanked us for our opinions and making things easier for them (by providing some insider info that only a caring resident would know) although, honestly, just stopping by and asking for our opinions clearly indicated the same.  Regardless, it was nice and even a bit of a surprise to not only see them but to hear them express their very positive opinion of us and our home.
