Lukey's Magic Orb

While we were at FAO Schwarz this past weekend with Lukey and Kenzie, we saw quite a few demonstrations of toys but one demonstration immediately caught our eye.  

As we approached one end of the store, our attention was captured by this woman with a magic floating orb and she easily drew us in while holding our attention.  I could clearly tell that Lukey was quite interested.  

The orb would float in between open hands above and below the orb and then the open hands would move to each side while the orb continued to float in mid-air...  then the orb would fly off and around her body...  the orb would slowly lower toward the ground and then back upward...  sometimes hands were above and below, other times hands were on each side...  sometimes no hands were anywhere near this floating orb!  This glowing orb just floated around our young female magician.  

After we watched her short demonstration, I asked Lukey if that was something of interest and he enthusiastically said, "YES!"

We had already told both Lukey and Kenzie that they could pick something to bring home.  As always, they were careful about what to choose.  After walking through the entire store, Lukey wanted to go back to this magic orb demonstration so that is where we went.  We asked some questions and our new magician friend showed us the secret of this magic trick.  I knew Lukey was hooked.  

When we got back to the hotel, Lukey couldn't put this trick together quickly enough but within a few minutes, he was putting on a little show.  I happened to record some of his rehearsing...


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