Cloud with a Rust Lining
Late last night I read another article stating that this new 'Cut, Cap and Balance' legislation will also eliminate some tax loop-holes that have been used and abused for years. That is good news, but it is not enough to correct this current budget problem nor does it make up for "cutting and capping" programs allowing those in need to survive. The cuts they have approved which impact the poorest, disabled, and neediest still overshadow any good whatsoever and are a terrible crime.
The article also mentioned that no tax rates under this new legislation will be above 29%... I bet those with the money to pay will not be paying anywhere near 29%! Only those making little money, with no deductions, no exemptions will be paying that. So, it will be those whom cannot afford to pay 29% (single guys with no dependents with new, relatively low-paying jobs) that will more than likely be paying 29%. Wouldn't it be more effective to be collecting this kind of money from those more able to afford it such as those with profits totalling six figures or more? Actually, now that I think of it, this new plan probably eliminated one major tax loop-hole used by the wealthy while creating one or two more tax loop-holes.
I still see the stock markets crashing and the economy plummeting quickly and uncontrollably. I still see very large numbers of the poor, disabled and elderly who need their Social Security pensions and medical benefits becoming destitude and losing their homes (owned and rental). I still see hospitals and medical professionals closing it's doors and eliminating much-needed jobs causing a healthcare catastrophe. I still see civil unrest in our future due to this unfair, unjust and absurdly biased legislation. And, I still see this legislation creating far more costly problems for our country than what it is intended to correct.
This new news of eliminating long-used loop-holes to avoid paying taxes is good news but it is still far from being a cloud with a silver lining... It is more like a cloud with a rust lining when we consider the whole package.
Those whom call themselves 'honorable' and 'illustrious' on Capitol Hill really are a bunch of soulless thieves and criminals with absolutely no integrity, honor nor moral values. Worse yet, not only do they have the power to inflict more damage than any terrorist group has ever inflicted upon our country, I believe they are well on their way to actually inflicting more damage on our country than we have ever seen in our history.
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