My Proposed National Emergency Tax Plan... Some Clarification...

After a few discussions with friends about my previously written article posted here, I feel I should probably clarify a few things about my proposed National Emergency Tax Plan. 

The purpose of my proposal to first eliminate salaries and benefits of our elected officials on Capitol Hill as well as the pensions and benefits of those 'retired' from Capitol Hill is actually twofold.

First, I feel it would be nice if, for a change, our elected officials on Capitol Hill felt some of our pain.  They always seem to be quick to cut programs affecting others, especially those in need, so it would be nice if they felt the pain for a change.

If our federal government defaults on it's financial responsibilities in August, it is due to the ineptitude, ignorance and arrogance of our elected officials on Capitol Hill.  If they can't do their jobs effectively and efficiently enough for the United States to pay it's financial obligations, then we should first dip into Capitol Hill's own budget (for salaries, benefits and pensions) to help alleviate the suffering by those in need.  They fail to do their jobs...    they should pay.  If I fail at my job, I lose my job.  Everyone should be held accountable for their work ethic, productivity and effectiveness...  including our elected officials on Capitol Hill. 

Next, this cut would only be a temporary thing...  When they come together and come up with an effective budget and plan (such as my proposed National Emergency Tax Plan), then they can get their budget back. It is simply a bargaining tool and incentive to get Capitol Hill to get their act together and do their job.  The real purpose of cutting Capitol Hill's salaries, benefits and pensions is to get our elected officials on Capitol Hill to learn to work together to come up with a fair and effective plan.  It is incentive for them to do their jobs.  If they don't do their jobs and there is then no money for the federal government to pay it's bills, the first place we take money from would be from the part of the budget that funds Capitol Hill.  Simple...   do your job...  do it well...   or you will be penalized financially. 

The main premise of my National Emergency Tax Plan is that it would affect EVERYONE.  These temporary tax laws would affect every person and every business across the board, from coast to coast.  If our country is in dire need of an emergency plan, everyone should be a part of the solution.  My proposed National Emergency Tax Plan does affect everyone by collecting an equal percentage of tax ('aid' for any National Emergency deemed necessary by our President) from each person and each business.  Nobody would be exempt from helping their country in time of need.  Holding everyone accountable is morally correct, fair and is simply good citizenship.

When our finances are again stable, and our President officially declares so, our country goes back to our screwed-up, everyday tax plan.  There is no doubt that our tax system is in dire need of revamping.  We can work on that while in our National Emergency Tax Plan. 

Is there wasteful spending here and there in our government?  I am sure there is but fixing these problems would probably have only a negligible effect on our total national budget.  Focusing on this negligible waste when we are trillions of dollars in debt is ridiculous.  We need a major change...   we need it yesterday...   and EVERYONE should pay an equal percentage for it.

Thinking we do not need a special tax plan in effect that affects every citizen during 'national emergencies' (such as time of war, after natural disasters, or any unforeseen tremendous expenses) is shortsighted and absurdly reckless as well as a sign of immaturity, selfishness and childishness.  Thinking that we can fix our budget by cutting social programs is delusional and extremely dangerous.  Taking money from those who do not have it will not help the budget and only cause deepening economic and social failure.  Money must come from everyone and it must come from earned income across the board.  The time is now.

In short, my proposed emergency tax plan is a temporary emergency plan to generate some income for our federal budget during times of emergency such as wartime, after natural disasters and for unforeseen major expenses.  The President would have the power to enact this National Emergency Tax Plan, as necessary, and especially when advised by his Cabinet.  When our elected officials on Capitol Hill fail at their jobs causing financial hardship as is anticipated next month, the money to alleviate those financial hardships should immediately be funded by Capitol Hill salaries, benefits and pensions before stealing funds from our disabled, elderly, involuntarily unemployed, veterans and our overextended military and their families.  Stealing funding from these groups of people is a crime against humanity and should be treated as such.
