
I've been revisiting older photos lately. Here are another two images from this past September.

Mackenzie was wide awake but Lukas was sleeping soundly on his little fold-out Disney futon. The room was quiet and Kenzie had all the toys to herself but it was clear that she wasn't too comfortable with playing alone.  You could see her thinking and imagine her saying to herself, "Hmmmm... how can I wake him up without getting in trouble..."

I shot these two photographs with one of my older Olympus camera bodies. Although it is an older body, it is one of my favorites. This camera's sensor is what makes it special. The sensor was produced by Kodak in better times for this corporation which is no longer in the digital camera business. (They have licensed out their name to other smaller companies to produce cameras in the Kodak name. The once photographic giant now only produces paper and printers.) Kodak's sensors are known for producing warm, soft images with a beautiful tonal contrast.  When the light is right, this camera can produce an exceptionally beautiful, rich photograph... and, the light was perfect for these two shots...
