The Grandchildren and Their Trains

I've already written about the kids enjoying their little "Thomas the Train" train table but it is worth writing about again and sharing some new photos.

While the kids were visiting this past Sunday we did the usual things... we watched a movie ("Finding Nemo")... we watched the usual model train video... we watched some videos of family... Kenzie played with the Mega blocks and built a tall building... Lukas played with his trucks... Kenzie played with her new doll... Lukas played catch with himself on the couch bouncing some soft, squishy balls against the wall... and they both enjoyed playing with their trains on the little train table.

Whenever I watch them play with the trains, I can't help but wonder how long it would take for them to get bored with their little train table and village. I know it is only a matter of time before the kids prefer to watch the trains propel themselves around the track rather than pushing them by hand. I don't think we have even come close to that threshold though... Not only do they play well together when playing with the trains but it seems they would play with them tirelessly for days.

The other night, when Liza arrived from work to pick up the kids, they each kissed us and said their goodbyes and then Kenzie did something we both found amusing... she ran over to the train table... picked up the locomotive... kissed it... then bent down and kissed the train table... Do you think she likes the trains? 
