Great Weather and Productivity

Today, we finally saw some weather which is typical for May...  a high in the upper 70s to low 80s... sunny... basically, a really nice late spring day.

Fortunately, my health was relatively stable today so I was able to take advantage of this nice weather and get a few things accomplished. Whenever a relatively good health day presents itself, I need to take advantage of it! These days are certainly rarer than poor health days.

I cut the lawn for the first time this year today... and, wow, what a difference in how clean the yard looks! Although we had a rather snowy winter, this spring has been exceptionally dry so, while I was cutting the lawn today, I was in a constant cloud of dirt. The conditions reminded me of the driest of Augusts which is the usual period of the year when we have the driest of weather. This is quite unusual for May!

Regardless of the dry weather, today was a beautiful day and I managed to have a very productive day. After cutting the lawn, I did some much needed landscaping. I moved some of the winter stuff into the shed outside and rotated some of the summer stuff into a place enabling easy access. I moved the sailboat to an area where it is easier to get to so I can start getting it ready for this season... I need to do the same for the kayaks. I even ordered a new air conditioner today for our living room and kitchen area. This evening, I grilled some shish-ka-bob for dinner and it was delicious! It was definitely a productive day!

Oh... and the lawnmower started up with no problem! (I do need to sharpen the blade though.) That could have been a serious problem today if the lawnmower wouldn't start. That would have bogged me down and used up precious energy... energy I do not have to waste or lose. I truly welcome days like today when everything seems to go as it is supposed to go. It was a great day.

As is expected, my spine is hurting pretty badly... and I am more worn out than usual... I'm definitely looking forward to bedtime... but, I am feeling more satisfied than usual because I accomplished a few things I had set out to accomplish. Feeling productive is necessary for everyone but it is especially important for those struggling with chronic illness.

Any level of productivity is welcomed but today left me feeling pretty good emotionally... physically, that is another story but...  well, you know how it goes... I think...
