Rainbows Amid Rain Showers

We've had quite a bit of rain in the past couple of weeks... hmmm... maybe even longer! Everything outside is waterlogged... the house is damp... towels never seem to dry... and the grass is growing wild. Regardless of whether or not I can specifically remember the daily weather, I'd say all signs are that it has been rather wet lately.

My health has been rather lousy, off and on, so it is hard for me to remember much about the weather. When my health is lousy and particularly when it swings back and forth between lousy and miserable, I seem to spend most of my time on the couch in the living room. During these periods, the days blend into one another and the nights fade together. Lousy health due to Systemic Mastocytosis is oftentimes accompanied by brain fog so this makes remembering specifics like daily weather difficult as well. I do, however, remember the other night quite vividly because the kids had visited us.

While the kids were visiting us, we had some more rain showers (I don't think we are ever going to get a chance to sit around the fire with the kids for some smores this summer!). Amid these rain showers, the kids excitedly noticed a bright rainbow right outside our living room windows. 

Consistent with my overall health lately, I was having a rather miserable health evening (one of the worst in a long time... and it came on within seconds) so I wasn't doing all that much nor all that quickly but I did have my camera nearby so decided to see if I could get a decent shot of the rainbow from our living room window. All I needed to do was grab my camera, check some settings, slide open the window and screen, and then capture that rainbow with my camera... hopefully, before it disappeared...

Only a few seconds after I captured this photo, the rainbow was gone. 

We had a nice dinner with the kids, played, watched some videos, read a few books, looked at some photos and had some brownies for dessert. 

Although my health did not cooperate, it was a nice night!
