Little Miss Attitude

Although these two photos look like things may have gotten a bit out of hand and some anger prevailed, that wasn't the case. 

In the splashing photo, the kids were playing and laughing... I really have no idea what Kenzie was thinking when she had that scowl on her face in the other photo though. I don't remember anything of significance happening... regardless, in these two photos, Kenzie appears to have a bit of an attitude...


  1. I think that the first photo was when you told the kids to splash toward you so you could get some photos of the water droplets.

    1. No... that was a different day in a different photo. This is a day or so afterward and they finally did what I had wanted them to do that time you mentioned... and it is obvious that Lukey didn't seem to expect getting splashed so much this time! In the next two photos right after this one, he is seen moving away with a face and then running out of the water!


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