Our Latest Trip To The Airport
Adam was scheduled to arrive in Vermont sometime last week but, as luck would have it, his aircraft had a mechanical problem and they diverted to not only a different airfield but to a completely different country.
Adam has had the worst luck in air travel ever since we sent him to a Young Eagles encampment when he was 12 years old... a school run by the Experimental Aircraft Association. No matter when he has flown... no matter where he has flown... whether it was with the airlines or during flight lessons or with the military... he has consistently run into weather cancellations and maintenance cancellations. This three or four leg journey was no different.
On the positive side, this time, his aircraft actually diverted to a country which he had intended to visit. His leave schedule never worked out for a trip to this country so his originally planned visit was cancelled. Now, here he was stuck in this country for three or four days! This diversion actually turned into a lucky break for him and I'm sure he enjoyed his evenings with other airmen sightseeing in this new country.
In the meantime, while Adam was enjoying himself in another new culture and new city in a new country, we just sat at home twiddling our thumbs... waiting... and wondering when he would finally make it to our hemisphere and, more importantly, our neck of the woods.
We had been looking forward to Adam's arrival for some time and we put a lot of effort into getting a bedroom ready for Adam but, I must admit, that it was a bit of a relief to find out we had a few extra days to finish getting everything ready before he finally arrived. With these prolonged delays, however, it wasn't long before we were a bit bored, waiting and wondering when he'd finally get here.
Obviously, this brought back memories of my own career. To be honest, in the big scheme of things, I only saw his diversion and delay as a blessing which Adam should take advantage of as much as possible. I certainly miss these kinds of perks but we all know this type of career isn't all perks... so, although I miss my career, the excitement and being productive, I'm still quite happy to be retired.
Through all these daily updates and changes, plans were changed with the family about half a dozen times.
Finally, however, we got word that Adam's aircraft was fixed and they were headed for the west coast. Now the problem was a scheduling one with the US airlines and rental car agencies... very short layovers at busy airports... and the potential of encountering weather delays and diversions.
On Monday morning, we learned that this was the morning of the arrival. He still had not left his last layover but it was looking promising that he would encounter no problems. We had just minutes to get ready and start to head for our local airport yet at this point none of the family knew of this last minute arrival...
We surprised the grandchildren by taking them out of daycare.
First, they were simply excited that we had suddenly arrived to spring them loose from daycare as though they had been cooped up for days... screaming our names and jumping up and down. Then we asked them if they wanted to come to the airport with us to pick up Uncle Adam... now they were exuberantly excited!
We also gave Nan and Pop a heads-up and they met us at the airport a little bit after our arrival.
We had a little time to kill when we arrived at the airport so we walked around for a bit... checked the ticketing agent counters... checked the "arrivals" board... played in some of the areas for kids... and then headed to the tower to watch air traffic, listen to the controllers and search for Uncle Adam's plane...

Can you tell that the kids were excited?
Now, the waiting continues... a lull on the airfield so no aircraft to watch... just more waaaiiiittttiiinnnggg...
"Hey, there's a plane! Is that Uncle Adam's plane?"
That wasn't Uncle Adam's plane but air traffic begins to pick up again...
"Jet Moo"...
Nan and Pop found us in the tower...
Uncle Adam's aircraft touched down so we're heading to the gate...
Excited anticipation as they watch Uncle Adam's aircraft and search for familiar faces through the tiny windows...
(They sort of look like a family of meerkats, don't they?)
Lukey's sailing partner has arrived... (with 'Harlan the tug' in the background, otherwise known as a 'beep-beep car' to the kids)...
It's lunchtime... off to a restaurant to eat!
We all came back to the house after lunch. Kenzie gave Uncle Adam a tour of her big dollhouse... Lukey showed him his trains... the house was filled with smoke from a steam locomotive and train sounds. We walked around the house and yard for a bit showing Adam some of the new things we built and added since he was last here... we talked... had a few drinks...
Liza joined us for dinner too... grilled steak, homemade fries, fresh green beans...
Oh, and Adam had his first steak in over a year!
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