Seems Like Another Rather Lousy Week

I had some relatively minor health issues over the weekend while we were with the grandkids but didn't think much of it. I threw some extra medications at my health and pushed on forward. 

The past few days, however, have been rather lousy. 

In hindsight, I know that the relatively minor health issues I experienced in the preceding days were clues that my health required immediate attention. I should have stopped all activity... I should have taken some emergency medications rather than just some extra medications... and I should have tried to rest and recover. Instead, my health progressively worsened as I tried to ignore the warnings and push on through our activities with the grandkids.

I haven't been able to wander far from a bathroom. Sheila and I ran into town last night to pick up some groceries and even that very short trip was a problem. My current gastro-intestinal problems are fairly bad (it has been worse though)... I've been having some difficulty breathing... and my cognitive reasoning hasn't been at its best... on the contrary... my cognitive abilities have been rather 'dull' for lack of a better term. If I'm normally "sharp as a tack", today I'm more like "a lifeless bowling ball".  

Our resident felines have been showing me attention for the past four or five days which means my health is rather poor. Our long haired, blue-eyed cat was camped out on our front deck last night so I threw some additional medications at my usual large nighttime dose of medications. When these cats show me attention, my health is failing.

Mostly, I'm sick of spending time in the bathroom. 

Needless to say, I'm a bit bored. I'm trying to find things to keep me busy but, because of my cognitive symptoms, I'm having difficulty staying focused long enough to accomplish anything. This only frustrates me all the more. It is bad enough that I'm frustrated by the poor, painful health... I'm getting even more frustrated by my inability to stay focused on even the simplest of tasks and this leads to frustration and boredom.

So, over the course of a couple of days, I managed to keep coming back to my desktop computer to edit a few recent photos. I want to pick up my camera and shoot some new photos but the urgent need to stick close to a bathroom has put a serious crimp in that idea. 

Included here in this blog entry are two photos I shot in the past couple of weeks. Worth noting is that these two photos were shot using an old Canon 70-300mm lens on my Sony camera body. I'm really liking this lens a lot... using this Canon lens paired with my Sony body is a vast improvement over the old Olympus garbage I had been using for years (oh, how I despise Olympus). 

We have no leaves left on the trees now and we've even seen some morning snow so these two photos were shot about two weeks ago before all the leaves were blown off the trees.

Now... I think I need to head back to the bathroom...  ugggg...
