Slow Intermittent Progress

Slowly, and in between health issues and medical appointments, we are making some headway on our summer home renovation plans.  

Our latest project is to paint the house. Well... to at least paint the part of the house that is mostly finished!  We plan to finish another part of the exterior this summer but we wanted to get the design and colors right first. I think we are moving in the right direction but this little exercise has pointed out the need for some minor adjustments that weren't in the original plan.

This current project is going well and it involves designing, building and installing some new architectural details for the exterior which match our new renovations on the interior. Between a drastic color change and adding these architectural details, the house is beginning to show some character!

In this photo, below, we can see the new lighting at our front door...

The weather has been rather wet this summer so I had to set up a little workshop outdoors under a canopy. So far, this is working out well. 

Below, you can see some of the architectural details I built. These are soffit details which match the style we are aiming for inside the house as well as outside the house. 

They are kind of lost in the shadows of the soffit here but here is a photo of the soffit details installed...  It is a rather small detail but it really makes a tremendous difference. The facia and the skirting/foundation aren't painted with the correct colors yet but everything else is...

These new screen doors, although a significant improvement over our previous screen doors, have been a nightmare and I regret installing them. In hindsight, I should have designed and built my own. These were stock doors that I customized but they are of such poor quality that they were falling apart within a week of installing them. Additionally, after painting the house the new color, we're not happy with the shade of green on the doors so we decided that I will be tinting that gallon of paint to a darker green. I'll shoot more photos after repainting the doors. As it is now, there isn't enough contrast between the doors and the walls...

Two things of note in this photo below... First, I designed and built a few planters for our front entry. They look nice but will definitely look much nicer when we put some plants in them. The other thing of note is that I am not fond of the color of the deck now... I think I may need to re-stain the deck a darker, browner color... at a minimum, I need to tone down the red in the stained deck. Also worth noting here is that the facia above the double windows is not painted with the new trim color yet. That old brown color does not match the new green color!

While I was shooting some photos of our renovations, this flower caught my eye...

New lighting for the front entry... you can also just barely make out the architectural details I added on the soffit...

This photo, below, is a better shot of the new soffit architectural details I added.  Again, the facias are not painted with the new trim color just yet.  I'll need to remove our partial/temporary gutters to do that.

As much as these new screen doors have been an annoying aggravation, I do like the trees I cut into the front entry door!

Another new addition is I built and installed some window boxes!  

And, below, are some better views of the new planters...

Our summer renovations are slowly coming along but with each new project I accomplish, I seem to add another one or two other projects I hadn't planned on accomplishing this summer. 

That being said, today my health has me indoors so, as our list of projects continues to grow, nothing will get accomplished today.  
