A Few Loons

My health has been less than stellar lately so I have not accomplished a thing on the house in weeks. The exceptionally wet weather isn't helping get any renovations accomplished either. For a change, however, my health and the weather are in sync... they are both on the bad end of the spectrum but they are in sync. Needless to say, I'm not getting a thing accomplished on the house. 

I'm doing a lot of sleeping and resting so my health can heal but I'm also searching for things to keep my mind occupied. One of the things I often do when faced with this particular dilemma is to sift through recent and old photos. I came across a few loon photos and thought I would write a bit about them here.

This first one isn't too bad.  The early morning sun was up because we had no fog on the lake this particular morning. Although it is quite early in the morning (around 6:20am), this loon has some light on him so I was able to capture a decent photo. It could be crisper and I wish he was a bit closer to me but it is acceptable...  

This next one was also captured fairly early in the morning (around 7:20am) but the loon is in the shadows this time. Typically, I wouldn't even bother with a photo shot in these conditions because the photo would be too grainy... no detail... and just sort of "flat" but there is something about this one that I like... I'm even thinking about developing it in a way that makes the loon a silhouette... I may actually have too much detail in the shadows and too little light in the background to get away with that though. Regardless, this is a shot I usually would delete but, as I said, it came out okay considering how little light there is on the loon...

This last one is different and that is why I like it. The loon wasn't close to me at all so he is quite small in the frame but he is close enough that we can identify that he is a loon. It was just after 6am and this loon came flying down the lake just squawking away. The first loon of the morning tends to do this on most mornings. I don't know the reasoning but I see this early morning behavior on many mornings...

This year was an exceptionally buggy year and these early morning shots (as well as the shots at dusk) were absolutely brutal to shoot. I would be completely covered in biting insects within 30 seconds of being outdoors. It truly was brutal... and a bit painful... and even a bit sickening. At these times of the day (early morning and dusk), I would be completely covered in clothing except for my face and hands because the bugs were so relentless as they would swarm all over me. It is amazing that I captured any photos at all this year!
