Slight Improvement to Inflamed Ankle

Today, I am feeling a slight improvement to the inflammation in my left ankle.  I can now put a tiny bit of weight on my left foot which makes it a bit easier to get around with a cane.  Yesterday and last night I would have been far better off with crutches since I could not put any weight on that foot at all without pain skyrocketing instantly to a solid 10.  

I managed to take a brief shower this morning although it was quite painful.  Getting in and out of the shower was the most difficult thing.  Then, shuffling around on only my right foot in the shower was painful and dangerous but I managed to shower and I was ripe for one!

Yesterday, I realized that I no longer have the energy and strength to lift my body weight from sitting to standing while using only my right leg.  I needed my cane to help lift myself to a standing position.  My muscles on the right side of my body are aching.  

I slept on the couch last night so I could keep my foot propped up with pillows.  The pillows needed to be arranged just right to hold my foot in the least painful position.  My at-rest pain was still in the range of 4-5 last night and sleeping in our bed wouldn't work last night at all.  The pillows I needed to prop up my foot in the correct position would have fallen off the end of the bed.  So, I slept on the couch last night.

Hopefully, the inflammation will continue to subside through the day today.
