Still Hobbling Around the House
My ankle is slowly healing but I am still hobbling around the house with a cane. Actually, most of my time is spent on the couch and I'm only on my feet when absolutely necessary. I'm getting the impression that this is going to take some time.
On the positive side, I slept in our bed for the first time in a week this past weekend. It was nice to get back to the comfortable bed. I still need to be careful about how I position my feet but I've been sleeping better since being back in bed at night.
Showering is still a difficult and frustrating task. Actually, it is a bit dangerous too. Getting in and out of the tub/shower requires some creativity and a bit of acrobatics to keep from slipping and falling. I've been managing to shower the past couple of days though so that is good.
The pain, at rest, is around a three now. The pain when hobbling around without my cane reaches a five or six. I'm really looking forward to zero pain at rest! Most of the time, I'm using my cane though. The only time I don't use the cane is when I need both my hands to carry something.
A new ankle brace arrived on Saturday and that has been helping significantly. I still can't put much weight at all on my left foot without this new brace. With the brace, however, I can put about half my weight on my left foot while shuffling. Flexibility is a problem. Lifting my foot beyond 90° is still impossible. This is an improvement though. A few days ago, I couldn't lift my foot beyond about 80° without excruciating pain. The ankle brace is helping with this too, I believe.
Overall, my ankle is slowly... very slowly... improving.
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