Two Weeks In

I've had this ankle issue for two weeks now.  I'm still doing very little on my feet and keeping my foot elevated most of the time.  I haven't used any ice in a couple of days.  At this point, two weeks in, my ankle feels like it did on that first day of limping exactly two weeks ago.  

Each day this week, my ankle has felt a bit better than the previous day so that is good.  This morning when I got up out of bed, my ankle felt like I had a hot nail driven into it for about an hour but that has subsided to a dull ache at rest.  I'm still needing to limp and occasionally use my cane but at least I am able to put a little bit of weight on my foot now. 

Showering has been difficult and dangerous.  Fortunately, I haven't slipped in the tub but I honestly don't know how I have managed that feat.  Try getting in and out of a wet tub without putting any weight whatsoever on one of your feet...  try cleaning yourself without putting any weight whatsoever on one of your feet...  getting over the side of the tub was brutal.  

The pain is now at around a two while at rest...  maybe a three when I carefully limp around... so, at very tolerable levels.  My spine is at a three or four at rest and significantly higher in the six and above range whenever I move around...  and it has been like that for more than two solid decades so that is back to being the source of most of my daily pain.  For more than a week, however, my left ankle made my spinal pain disappear completely because the ankle pain was so severe!

The swelling around my ankle has subsided quite a bit too.  I still have a little bit of swelling but it is closer to being 'normal' now than it has in two weeks so that is good.  The best news is that I have been able to move around the house more easily the past few days.  

Very slowly...  very, very slowly...  my ankle seems to be healing.  I was hoping I'd be back to normal at around the two week mark but I may need another week before I return to normal.
