First Dinner Guests Post-Vaccination

oday, we will be having our first dinner guests since getting vaccinated.  I was finally fully vaccinated this past Wednesday which was two weeks after my second dose of the vaccine.  Sheila was fully vaccinated a week before I was fully vaccinated so she was already good to go.  So, today, we'll be having Sheila's parents over for dinner.

Yesterday evening, Liza and the kids stopped by for maskless hugs.  They stayed long enough for Lukey and I to play a few rounds of golf in the backyard.  Afterward, the kids played with the walkie-talkies learning a bit more about aviation/military radio etiquette and terminology.  They even chose callsigns for each other...  Lukey is "Hockey Puck" and Kenzie is "Skater" and the playhouse is "Playhouse Ops".  

Back to tonight's dinner... our dinner will be barbequed shish-ka-bob consisting of tender steak, potatoes, red onions, green peppers, cherry tomatoes, fresh mushrooms and a couple of skewers of fresh pineapple.  I marinate these skewers for the entire day in a sweet tomato-based sauce making the steak even more tender.  The sweetness in the sauce comes from a bit of pureed fresh pineapple mixed into the marinade.  Having a couple of skewers of fresh pineapple also added a nice sweet contrast to the whole dish.  

Now that I'm done in the kitchen preparing dinner, Sheila is in the kitchen making Apple Crisp with sweet, fresh Fuji apples for tonight's dessert.  That should be good!

This has always been one of our favorite meals.  It takes some prep time in the morning but the rest is easy...  skewers on the grill when the grill is ready and our stomachs are grumbling enough to tell us to start on dinner.  Once grilled, we slide all the chunky skewered ingredients into a big bowl and mix it up.  

My mouth is watering already...
