Rough Day of Pain

My latest dip in health started late last night. Nausea and associated lower gastro-intestinal issues kept me in the bathroom for an hour or two. (I really need to get that second bathroom finished... my current project.) In the big scheme of things, last night was not miserable but I knew it was a sign that things would deteriorate further today.

There are all sorts of signs of quickly deteriorating health for Systemic Mastocytosis patients. During these periods, we become much more vulnerable to idiopathic anaphylaxis as our mast cells continue to degranulate at a rate which is much more disastrous than what should be normal. With this mast cell degranulation comes nerve irritation, inflammation and excruciating pain.

My morning started with some minor cognitive issues. Needless to say, any cognitive difficulties makes home renovations next to impossible. As a result, I spent much of the morning researching and taking notes related to my next tasks in our home renovations rather than diving into the planned renovations for today.  

By the time I laid down this afternoon for my daily (and much needed) nap, my bones and joints were beginning to hurt terribly. This pain only worsened and it worsened quickly.

I couldn't sleep well at all. The pain is odd and very difficult to accurately describe. My bones, mostly my longer bones, hurt like I had been beaten with a baseball bat. The pain in my joints is the hardest thing to describe though... 

This joint pain starts off like arthritis... Whenever I try to use my hands, the pain in my joints is so excruciating that I can't even hold anything. The same holds true for all my other joints whenever I try to move the bones adjoined to them. When the pain worsens, however, my joints hurt terribly even at rest. I feel as though something is wedged between my bones, deep in each joint, and the thing that is wedged between my joints is pushing my bones apart farther and farther like a knife, twisting in the joint slowly. This pain is excruciating and almost like torture. Needless to say, napping this afternoon was fruitless. 

So, now I am throwing more and more medications at my health and I need some much needed rest and sleep. I suppose the pain is better than idiopathic anaphylaxis...  

Hopefully I will be able to get a decent night of sleep so I can start my day feeling fairly well...
