Small Accomplishments This Weekend, but...

...consequences in the form of exhaustion, bone pain, joint pain and spinal pain.

Slowly, but surely, I seem to get things accomplished around the house since developing Systemic Mastocytosis but it is difficult for me and exhausting.. This illness wears me down all the time which requires a lot of extra rest and sleep. I do, however, manage to accomplish little things on my relatively good days.

The frustrating thing is that after a period of lousy health, I end up with a long list of basic things which need to be accomplished such as laundry, straightening up the house, cutting the lawn...  all of which are enough to wear me out for a few days. So, when I find myself in this hole, it is extremely difficult to get out which can become exceedingly frustrating. I'm left feeling as though I am just desperately treading water and accomplishing nothing.

That being said, this weekend was one of those relatively good times when I had health well enough to make some headway on some projects around the house. 

Even though my energy level was pretty low by lunchtime yesterday, I managed to do a little bit of woodworking in the afternoon. I paced myself by working slowly through the afternoon and had a productive day.

I needed to build a small printer stand for under the new desk in our new bedroom. This printer stand was also designed to hide two uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) for two computers in addition to all the wires that come with two UPS boxes. 

I had quickly sketched a few ideas in the morning... figured out some dimensions... then headed out to the shed to see if I had scrap lumber that could be used for this small project. I found the lumber I needed plus a nice piece of wood that I could use for another small project I had in mind! An added bonus!

So, by lunchtime, I had pulled out the table saw and started cutting down scrap lumber to the dimensions I needed. Then I brought out my circular saw, belt sander, and drill.  Add to that some wood glue, screws, and finishing nails... and I was able to finish assembling this small printer stand.  

This morning, I managed to put a coat of primer on this new little multi-purpose printer stand. 

Now, my legs are shakey... my bones ache... my joints are painful... and my spine is inflamed. My breathing isn't all that great either. And, needless to say, I am completely exhausted.

But... I accomplished something...

And... we are one step closer to moving into this new bedroom...
