A Research Study

Currently, I am in the final stages of being chosen for a long term research study for Sony.

As some of you may already know, I am a big fan of Sony electronics. In particular, I feel Sony is the world leader when it comes to digital imaging and televisions. As such, I have a Sony Bravia television mounted on our living room wall which we find stunningly crisp, vibrant and realistically colorful. I am also slowly swapping my photography gear to all Sony as well because I find Sony's cameras and lenses leaps and bounds ahead of all other manufacturers' cameras. 

Sony has always been a leader in the television world going all the way back to the popular Sony Trinitron televisions in the late 1960s. In my opinion, Sony still leads the way with their televisions. The truth is, when it comes to imaging in general, Sony is leading the way. 

I've been slowly swapping out my photography gear, piece by piece, and purchasing photography gear in Sony's new mirrorless e-mount. As far as advancement and innovation in the imaging world goes (to include photography and videography), Sony is leaps and bounds ahead of their competition. 

Actually, not only do I have Sony cameras, lenses, and televisions but I also have a Sony Blu-Ray player so I can honestly say that, through my own product use, I feel Sony is leading the way when it comes to digital imaging, in general. 

Sony (and Panasonic, I believe) are already deep into
creating products for recording and viewing 8K video.
A few months ago, Sony contacted me to ask if I would like to take part in a research study pertaining to 4K Ultra HD televisions (four times the resolution of full HD). Many people probably couldn't be bothered providing this research but this type of product interests me. 

For example, if they asked me if I wanted to be part of a research study for a new PlayStation gaming system, I would have said no because I have absolutely no interest in gaming systems whatsoever nor do I have the knowledge necessary to evaluate such a product. 

When it comes to televisions, video, and cameras, however, I do have a deep interest and the knowledge necessary to effectively evaluate these products. So, when they asked me about researching this new television, I said, "Hey!  I'm in!"

Now we are in the last stages of this selection process for this particular research study. Hopefully, before long, we will have a nice new 4K Ultra HD television mounted on our living room wall for us to evaluate thanks to Sony. 

From what I know of Sony imaging products, this will be an exciting experience! 

(Now, if I could only convince Sony to select me for evaluating their photography and videography products, I'd be ecstatic!)

Followup - May 12, 2016:  Sony contacted me again this morning. There is a short delay with this program but I am still in the running. That is good news as far as I'm concerned!
