Kenzie and Lukey Arrived at the Lake

Kenzie and Lukey stealthily arrived at the lake house this morning. Sheila and I were doing some food shopping in preparation to their arrival but they arrived at the house before we did...

We saw Liza's car in our parking area when we arrived home... we pulled the car up to the back door so we could unload the car... but we found the back door to the house was still locked! I retrieved the key we hid for Liza... it was still in it's hiding place... and we entered the quiet house... 

When we got to the living room, we could hear unrestrainable giggling coming from the loft... sure enough, Kenzie, Lukey and Liza were hiding in the loft and Kenzie was giggling uncontrollably!

Before mommy had to leave for the day to work, we had some lunch. Fortunately, for Kenzie, we had just finished food shopping so we had a full refrigerator of food to choose from... naturally, she chose her usual staple, fresh strawberries... and some Mickey Mouse chips, some cheese, and a small bowl of apple sauce....

We were told that Lukey had a little bout of car sickness on the way to the lake house so he had absolutely no desire to eat when he arrived. Instead, Lukey played with his trains while everyone else ate lunch...

This afternoon, the sun finally made a much needed appearance and everyone headed outdoors while Papa cooked some meatballs. Kenzie and Lukey helped to make the meatballs but, once the sun came out, the cooking was left to Papa alone in the house. Lukey, Kenzie and Gee did a good job raking and cleaning up the beach...

After wetting their pant legs in the water while raking and cleaning up the beach area, the kids stripped down and got warm in front of a fire...

Taste-testing the meatballs with Gee...

Kenzie and Lukey helped with making a salad for dinner... 

This is about as much of a sunset we got to see tonight. By the time the sun lowered enough to bring out some color, the storm clouds had moved back in...

Arts and crafts time while Gee cleaned the dinner dishes...

Suddenly, a heavy squall descended upon us... It started instantly with a big clap of thunder... the wind instantly picked up causing rolling white-capped waves blowing toward the house... the pouring rain turned white as the windows and metal roof were pelted with white balls of hail... the wind was actually rattling all the windows and the metal roof and blowing the hail horizontally... Lukey stood at the windows watching the storm as it blew across the lake toward the house...

Just before bathtime, Lukey built himself a building...

After a quiet weekend (and one of some rather poor health), Gee and I are happy to have the company and it is abundantly clear that Lukey and Kenzie are excited to be here too! Mommy will come again tomorrow and stay the night with us... 
