
Model Railroading Diversion

I'm still slowly recovering from last week's attempt at a 'routine' colonoscopy which was anything but routine and only resulted in anaphylaxis and more than a week (at this point) of recovery. Overall, I'm still sticking close to the bathroom and I'm still feeling rather lousy. Considering all of this, I'm really not getting much accomplished and what little I do attempt to accomplish is on a rather small scale. In this case, it is 1/4" scale! I suspected I would need a long recovery from this procedure even if all went well so I had already stocked up on some supplies to accomplish a small model railroading project, little by little, as I felt up to it. So, by doing a little bit each day, I've been making a bit of headway on a long overdue model railroading project.  What prompted this project is that I needed a few different test tracks. As I was coming up with ideas on the best way to do this while also trying to save space I decided to c...

Lukey's Fire

Lukey had a burning desire to learn how to start a fire so Liza arranged for a small gathering of people for some hot dogs and s'mores around a fire in Nan and Pop's backyard.  Pop and Lukey had already gathered a huge pile of kindling when Gee and I arrived. Actually, they've been collecting this kindling from the lawn for weeks. The fire pit was ready to go when everyone arrived. The most difficult part of starting this fire was for Lukey to effectively operate the little aim-n-flame lighter. It was obvious that the safety trigger was effective! Even Gee has difficulty with it! Next time, Lukey wants to try to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together.  We'll see how that goes when the time comes. It certainly was nice for Sheila and I to get out of the house for a short while after a rather miserable week. I didn't last long though as my energy level drained very quickly so we called it a night rather early. It was nice getting out of the house though and...

Another Weekend with Kenzie and Lukey

Kenzie and Lukey spent some time with us this past weekend and, as always, we had a great time with them! For dinner, I prepared Kenzie's favorite meal which is a recipe I obtained from my grandmother almost 40 years ago. When I was in high school and college, I spent a lot of time at my grandparents' house. My sailboat was kept in their backyard because they lived on the water on the south shore of Long Island so I would go there to go sailing but I also visited frequently to help them out and just say hello. Gramps was still working at the time and every now and then I would go to work with him. My grandmother regularly needed help around the house since having serious heart problems a few years earlier so I would spend some time with Gramps on the weekends when he was home from work and I would spend time with my grandmother during the weekdays as I helped out around the house, mowed the lawn, and ran some errands for her. My cousin, William, and I would make sure one ...

Aborting a Medical Procedure

Two of my doctors have been advising me and even pressuring me to get a colonoscopy for quite some time. I attempted this a few years ago but, after discussing my health issues with the doctor who would be doing the procedure, we decided the risk was too high so we didn't even attempt it.  Now, I have a new mast cell specialist and he had referred me to a doctor to give a colonoscopy another shot. I was scheduled for late this afternoon.   In the meantime while waiting for this appointment date to arrive, I had another visit with my mast cell specialist. We briefly discussed how to manage my medications in the week leading up to the colonoscopy and we had a tentative plan in place. To be honest, I wasn't too optimistic about my health holding up through this procedure but I agreed to give it a try. The last thing I want to do is come across as non-compliant because I do need continued treatment. That being said, I also emphatically told Sheila that if this procedure was...

The Start of a New Season

This year has been brutal in many ways but, for now, I'm just referring to our climate. For months, we've had our house closed up with the air conditioning running because it has been unbearably hot and humid. We've had many rain days and so few days of clear skies that I could count on one hand the number of times I was able to use one of my telescopes in the past five or six months.  So, we've had our air conditioning running just about daily during this period until the day before yesterday.  Yesterday, the heat and humidity finally broke and I was able to open all the windows and doors in the house! That really felt great and I thought that perhaps we were finally due for some nice autumn weather.  Wrong. The temperature plummeted and this morning we needed to close every window in the house and use the stove to heat up the house. It was frigid! On the positive side, this first cold snap of the year always reminds me that it is time to test the furnace ...