
Homemade Lights for the Playhouse

I knew I wanted something different for the lighting in the playhouse.  I quickly decided to create my own lighting out of leftover cans from large cans of tomatoes.   At first I thought about creating something with a sailing theme but my artwork consistently moved too far into complicated territory and I wanted these lights to be simpler.  I especially didn't want the building of these light fixtures to be any more difficult than necessary because I was on a tight schedule at this point to get the whole playhouse project finished. I decided to create star patterns...  one recognizable group of stars for each light.  I chose The Big Dipper, The Little Dipper and Cepheus mostly because these star patterns would be easily recognizable and fairly easy to drill into these old cans.   I set my drill press on the outdoor kitchen countertop so I could work on this project during a rainy day then I went back to work on some of my many outdoor projects including renovating th

Playhouse Revealed to Grandkids

The other day, the family finally got together at our house for the first time since Christmas.  The plan was to reveal the newly renovated playhouse to the grandchildren and have a little backyard barbeque.  We hadn't been together in such a long time because the pandemic put a hold on everything and a few of us were quite sick during this time.  Everyone seems relatively healthy again so that is good too! We revealed the playhouse.  The kids were excited.  We played some outdoor games, the kids played with the walkie-talkies, Kenzie played with her dollhouse with Ellie, Lukey got to run some trains, and we had a nice dinner that was cooked in the newly finished outdoor kitchen.  There was a little bit of light rain at one point but we had a canopy already in place for such a contingency so that was no problem whatsoever.   I have a bunch of photos that I will share on another day but, for now, I put together a relatively short video that includes the playhouse reveal as wel

Our First Trip to Lowes This Year

We went to Lowes last night to purchase two car-loads of stuff. We haven't been to Lowes at all this entire calendar year due to being sick for four months and the pandemic. This first trip to Lowes did not go as well as we would have liked. First, as we attempted to pull out of our driveway, my car's battery was dead... no lights, no sounds, nothing. I dug out the jumper cables and jumped it rather quickly but, apparently, this was a sign of things to come for the evening. When we arrived at Lowes and entered the store, the first thing we noticed was there were no displays of outdoor furniture, awnings, patios, etc, like we usually see when we first enter the store. It was more like walking through a store in a third world country or like trying to get building supplies in New Orleans right after Katrina. It was pathetic. First, we needed a few plants. The selection looked nice and colorful from the parking lot but it really wasn't all that great. We quic

Old Solar Images

I've been itching to do some astronomy and astrophotography lately.  My health hasn't been cooperating with me being able to do much of anything so there hasn't been any astronomy happening around here.  It doesn't mean it hasn't been on my mind though and I really do wish I could find the energy to do a bit of astronomy and astrophotography among many other things I enjoy. I'm also in the process of slowly rebuilding a couple of telescope mounts I designed and built. This little rebuilding project included some annual maintenance on my permanent telescope pier in the yard.  Little by little, I'm getting those little things accomplished.   In the meantime, I revisited some photos I shot in July of 2018...  Typically, I would stack a number of images in an effort to bring out as much detail as possible but these two images are single images.  Somehow, I managed to capture some decent detail anyway without stacking multiple images of detail.  

New Solo Kayaker in 2017

This time of year always gets me thinking about the lake.  Typically, we would be getting ready to head toward the lake house at this point in the year but we have no intentions of going anywhere anytime soon.   The lake has sort of moved to the back burner anyway for various reasons but, this year, I'm still struggling with consistent health issues.  I'm mostly still experiencing viral stuff that I've had since January  that everyone on Earth is trying to avoid  but also interspersed with problems related to my primary illness.   I haven't had a fever in about 10 days so that is good news but I'm still getting headaches and sore throats late in the day and the fatigue remains to be absolutely brutal.  I don't have the energy to do anything.  Even standing requires too much energy!   I know I need to be symptom-free for 14 days before I should be wandering from the house.  Well, that's what they say (I have been saying all along that I believe it

Super-Resolution Imaging

My health is still quite lousy, overall, and has been this way since January.  I believe that Sheila and I both contracted this pandemic virus and, lately, I've been bouncing back and forth between fever and fever-free.  Sheila recovered relatively quickly but I'm struggling to recover.  That isn't much of a surprise, however, considering my primary health issues.   Needless to say, I've had very little energy to accomplish anything of significance.  Actually, I've been doing a lot of sleeping.  On the rare occasion when I'm feeling well enough to think clearly, one of the things I have done is revisit some old lunar images I shot from our yard.   In this case, about two years ago, I shot a series of images with the intent of stacking the images to create a super-resolution final image.  This is a post-processing technique similar to high-resolution pixel shift technology in some cameras that produces high resolution images.  It works fairly well if done cor

Organizing Astronomy Gear

Over the snowy Mother's Day weekend, I spent a little bit of time sorting out and organizing some of my astronomy gear indoors in this warmth.  The priority was to find a way to organize a bunch of eyepieces.   Fortunately, I have been sticking to putting together specific mini sets so it is not like I have a scattered selection of mismatched eyepieces.  I've been purposely purchasing eyepieces that will fit my specific needs...  including staying within financial limits.   I have stuck with a plan of putting together small cases for grab-and-go use.  It will be easy to grab one of these cases and a small telescope if I'm in a hurry to see something.  Each zippered case is approximately 6"x9" and 2" deep.   I put together a small set of GSO Plossls.  These are quite inexpensive but are pretty good eyepieces.  With each set, I included a 2.5x Barlow lens so I only included long, wide view eyepieces with long eye relief.  I wear eyeglasses so my prima

Female Cut with Scissors

Sheila's hair was getting long, looking a bit shaggy and it was driving her crazy so she felt it was time for me to figure out a way to cut her hair.  Until now, I've only cut men's and boy's hair with clippers and I knew that wouldn't work for a woman so I had to educate myself a little bit.   I've done a lot of military style haircuts for men but I knew that a woman's head would require a completely different approach.  Even though Sheila likes her hair short, I knew I needed to do some research and planning.  Clippers would not work here.  It was time to figure out how to use scissors, thinning shears and a safety razor while using a comb and my hand as a guide.   We attacked Sheila's head yesterday afternoon.  It wasn't until I shot a few "before" photos that I realized that her hair had grown quite long and shaggy.  It was definitely time to do something with Sheila's hair.   Let's start with an "after" photo fr

Moon Through Guide Scope

The guide scope and guide camera that I use with my astronomy gear is old.  Actually, by digital standards, the guide camera is considered ancient!  I've wanted to test this guide scope/camera combo again at night so I can determine if upgrading would be worth it.  I haven't been all that happy with the imaging I am getting with that camera.  Last night, we had completely overcast skies so there were absolutely no stars visible but the moon was faintly glowing through the clouds. I quickly mounted my guide scope on my tripod.  Then I attached my guide camera to the little guide scope.  Then I grabbed my Windows tablet and headed outside to the deck with everything in tow.  I pointed the guide scope at the moon and then adjusted the settings of the camera using my tablet...  and here is the resulting image... There are a few things worth noting here.   First, considering how overcast the skies were last night and how the moon was mostly obscured by those clouds, it i

When Does A Leader Need To Be Removed?

You awaken in the middle of the night to the smell of burning wood.  You get up and quickly run through your home to see if you can find the source of the burning wood smell.  As you pass a window, you notice that your neighbor's house has a little bit of smoke leaking out of an upstairs bedroom window.  You call 911 to report a house fire, frantically trying to summon help. After reporting the fire, you then call your neighbor's house to awaken them in an attempt get them out of the house.  The neighbor answers the telephone but states he can't access the rest of the bedrooms in the house where his family is located and he, himself, is trapped inside due to fire.  The situation is quickly becoming dire. As you run out of your house to see if you can help somehow, the Fire Chief pulls up in his Chief's vehicle.  He orders you to stay away from the house.  As you try to get past the Chief, a fire truck (a ladder company) and an engine pull up (pumper for pumping wa