Lukey - The Engineer

Typically, whenever the kids visit, the living room floor becomes obscured by a toy-box-ful of toys making it difficult to find enough floor to walk without painfully stepping on hard little pointy toys. During a recent visit, however, we changed things up a little by replacing the toy-box-ful of toys with the big trains which pleased Lukey immensely!

While Lukey played with the trains... multiple locomotives... experimenting with the different sound effects and learning how to control these trains... Kenzie was content to just sit on the couch and play with Grammy. 

Surprisingly, there were no cries when I asked Lukey to help me clean up for dinner. We dismantled all the track, stacked it all neatly next to their toy-box, and placed the heavy trains on their shelf... then we all moved to the dinner table. I was shocked that there were no complaints nor crying!

After dinner there was a little bit of pouting because the trains were put to bed for the night but Lukey was quickly distracted with books of trains. 

I love the trains but I have to admit that even I was a bit relieved when we put the trains to bed allowing for some much needed quiet relief from the loud steam locomotive whistle!
