My Shadow

The first of seven shots... deer in headlights look...
I'm really not much of a 'cat' person but, for the past few years, I've had one of our neighbor's cats follow me around like my shadow. 

This cat is definitely not one of the more friendly cats in the neighborhood but whenever my health fails, this feline is right there peering in the window at me... for hours... It doesn't matter which room I am in, this cat will be there right outside that particular room at the nearest window peering in at me. 

Whenever I do some work outdoors, this cat follows me around and, at times, has been known to leave me little gifts at my car door (mice).  

Adam tried many times to get a photo of our resident shadow but never really had much luck. Today, as I was playing around with my oldest remaining digital camera (Edit:  I checked camera release dates and it turns out that I do have a digital camera much older than this one which happens to be one of my all-time favorites...  the camera I used, however, is seven years old which in the digital photography world is a few lifetimes), I had a mostly cooperative model who just sat there in our driveway watching me shoot frame after frame. It wasn't until my last shot that he got a little annoyed and tired of being a model.

Ever since I first started showing signs of this illness, whenever I am struggling with poor, weakened health, it has become very apparent to me that animals can pick up on energy levels. It has gotten to the point where I know that if this particular cat is peering in at me, my health is sure to crash within minutes... I now will grab my fanny pack of medications and immediately take some emergency medications. My shadow has become my early warning system!

Today, I managed to finally get a few photos of our elusive shadow. I like the last shot best...
Okay... seven shots later... enough is enough, you're pissing me off...
