Grandkids' First Day at the Lake House

While I'm on a roll in sharing some photos of our times at the lake house, I went back two years to the first time the grandkids spent some time with us at the lake house.  While sorting through some of these older hard drives from that timeframe, I realized that I had some video showing the moment when they arrived at the house for the first time.  So...  I went digging for those video clips.

Will and Sue (Sheila's parents) were kind enough to deliver Lukey and Kenzie to us. I expected the kids to be excited bundles of energy but, it is funny... I should have known better. 

In situations like this they have shown us that they are more cautious, observant and deliberate than the type of person who throws caution to the wind with boundless excitement.  And, truth be told, I'm happy to see that they tend to be cautious, observant and deliberate when thrown into new experiences.  

As we walked down the hill from the car to the house, they were wide-eyed and quietly looking around. They noticed the boats first... then the house... then the water and beach... then the dock. Showing them around the inside of the house was the same... wide-eyed, cautious observation.

Once they settled in and were familiar with their new surroundings (even though they have been hearing about this mythical place since they were born), they became more visibly excited with boundless energy. 

In hindsight, I'm glad I set one of my cameras on a tripod to capture some video...  and I'm glad I shot countless photos as I usually do as well. It was a memorable time and I hope these photos and video clips will help them to keep this exciting time in their memories...
Little Kenzie is excited and airborne...

They're were like little puppies trying to climb over
each other to get at what they want... 

And, a few video clips of their first visit to the lake house...
