
Showing posts with the label art

A Quick Artistic Project

I don't really get much accomplished when my health is lousy and, for the past few weeks, my health has been pretty lousy. I don't even remember when I last immersed myself into an art project. I've been fighting off a cold for at least two weeks now. A cold isn't a big deal for most people but, for me, a cold only compounds my problems with my mast cell disease. The cold ends up knocking me for a loop and it seems to take forever to shake it. My body already has too many mast cells and too many overactive mast cells. When we add a cold to this environment, my mast cells are even more overactive wreaking havoc on all fronts. To make matters worse, I really wore myself down over the past few months. I knew this would be a recovery period for me but my mast cells are a bit angry right now as well. Angry mast cells make for prolonged cold symptoms, bone pain, joint pain, fatigue, intermittent anaphylaxis, and a bit of nausea. This makes for some very long but very bori

Sketching What Does Not Exist... Yet

I've been busy the last few days working on some sketches again.  This time, however, I've been sketching the new World Trade Center which is not completely built yet.  I'm not even completely sure of the design.  Of course, because the buildings do not exist just yet, trying to get the scale right was a bit difficult.  Being the perfectionist that I am, naturally, I am still not completely happy with some of the angles and proportions but I think it might be close enough. Regardless of whether I am happy with this sketch or not, I wanted to post a small copy here before the skyline is actually completed in real life.  It will be interesting to see just how close I am with this little project.   Funny thing is, the more I worked the sketches and the more I researched what is actually being built, the less I like this design.  I am left feeling as though this was a poor choice for the design of this high profile project.  Artistically speaking, I'm not sure what they w