
Showing posts with the label summer

Photo Album

Well... summer is over (although, you'd never know it by how warm it has been lately) and our time at the lake for this year is behind us. I know I'd like to get back to the lake again during foliage season but, considering how far behind schedule I am with projects around the house due to my health, that is unlikely to happen. So, I have put together a photo album of photos from the lake this summer... Lake Groton Photo Album - 2015

Summer is Over

After struggling with the first five years or so of my illness so I could finally acquire an accurate diagnosis of my debilitating health problems (now that was a brutal five years), I knew I needed a break from medical appointments. Five solid years of medical appointments every few days... involving quite a few painful, invasive tests... is enough. I quickly came up with a new rule... absolutely no medical appointments through the summer...  June through September. I need a break... I need to enjoy life... I need to focus on me, not my health. For the most part, I've been successful with this rule over the past ten years. Sometimes, however, a rule must be broken. This is one such summer when this rule needed to be broken. As a result, my summer is now over and it is back to business, as usual. My business since procuring this insidious illness is managing medical exams, medical testing and medical care. We've been to the ophthalmologist five or six times in the past week

Reaching for the Sun

I wandered from the living room early yesterday morning to take a look at our wildflower gardens as Autumn settles in and Summer slips away. Oddly enough, even though most of our plant life is turning brown and drying up, we do have a handful of new blooms here and there. I noticed one of these new blooms with a narrow beam of sunlight illuminating it from above and behind. I am always searching for good light and this was exceptionally good light. This beam of sunlight was lighting up only the yellow petals and green stem. I crouched down low in the perfect spot about 10 feet from this single flower. I set my exposure... I focused, inhaled and held my breath... I ever so gently pressed the shutter release being careful not to cause any camera shake... I exhaled slowly. After capturing a few extra frames, I noticed something change in the scene in my viewfinder...  A single bee entered the frame. Apparently, this bright yellow flower draped in sunlight caught his eye as well! I&#

Flowers Finally Blooming

We had a very late start to summer this year due to some snowfall in April and May. I couldn't plant anything until very late in May because the ground was still frozen. We even had some piles of snow and chunks of ice leftover through Memorial Day weekend which still needed to thaw. Needless to say, we by-passed spring altogether and summer has been late. This morning, while I was staining our front deck (a continuation of yesterday morning's little staining project... and a project which will continue into tomorrow morning), I noticed that we are finally beginning to get some flowers in our wildflower gardens around the house. We have three good-sized wildflower gardens and, oddly enough, the garden which is doing best this year is a garden which hardly had any growth in previous years. Maybe our other two gardens are a bit tired and need a year of rest. After cleaning up from my staining project, I decided to grab one of my cameras to attempt to capture a few shots..