Brutally Hot Day Today

We chose the correct day of this holiday weekend to head up to Shelburne Farms... that is for sure! Yesterday was a sunny and warm day but there was a nice breeze to keep the temperatures tolerable. Today, however, was brutal.

At 9am this morning, we got into the car to head to the supermarket to pick up some bagels and donuts... it was already so hot outside that the inside of the car was dangerously hot which triggered an anaphylaxic response from my body before we even pulled out of the driveway. The weather only worsened as the day progressed. By 2:30pm (the last time I checked the thermometer), it was 96 degrees. Worse yet, our trip into town this morning was wasted since there were no bagels left... as usual.  

I haven't been able to breath today... I have absolutely zero energy... it is simply a brutal day as I struggle with the typical and debilitating symptoms of Systemic Mastocytosis.

Fortunately, we had chosen yesterday for our visit to Shelburne Farms. Today definitely would not have worked for me! Clearly, when it comes to my own health, hot environments and Systemic Mastocytosis do not mix at all.

I really do hope the weather turns consistently milder before the snow flies... I have a lot of things to get done around the house before then... Cooler weather means some better health and far more energy... heat is definitely my kryptonite as it proves every time the temperatures consistently reach the 80s and above....
