Our Trip To Dayton

While the grandchildren were with us on Sunday, they spent some time putting together a big puzzle of the United States (never to be erroneously referred to as "America"...  more on this pet peeve of mine in a future blog entry) with Gee. 

As they searched for where to place each state, Gee would tell them about the state and what we have done there while visiting that state. When they came to Ohio and were trying to figure out where it belongs, Gee explained to them that this is where we brought Mommy and Uncle Adam... that we saw airplanes, animals in a zoo, an aquarium and a number of other places.

They were animated and excited while hearing about the trip to Dayton so I thought it would be the perfect time to show them the photos from that trip, except... I quickly remembered that all those photos were on an old external hard drive and not in an album online. There was no way I could get at these photos quickly. I promised them that I would dig out these photos so they could see them the next time they visited us.  

Yesterday, I had to go back to a hard drive from 2009 to retrieve these photos... about two thousand of them. I had some issues reading the hard drive all day yesterday but, thankfully, I managed to get into the drive this morning. I had a knot in my stomach all night long thinking about the possibility that all my photos from 2009 and 2010 might be lost on this drive. This morning I set about to retrieve some photos and to come up with a plan for backing up all these external drives which now store all my archived photos.

I plan to move these photos from our very hectic but very memorable trip to Dayton in 2009 to an online photo album for easy viewing in the future. 

In the meantime, here are a few photos, below, of Lukey and Kenzie's Mommy and Uncle Adam in Dayton...

(Every year, Sheila and I claim we are going to revisit Dayton again but too many other trips bump this trip off our schedule. My health can only handle so much travel... Sheila has only so much leave time from work... and finances are always a reason for cutting back... but, sometime soon we hope to get back to Dayton to visit the National Museum of the US Air Force where I am honored with a place on their "Wall of Honor". We declined our official Air Force invitation and missed the Dedication Ceremony for this new "Wall of Honor" due to lousy health and short notice but we hope to get there soon.) 

The lonnngggg journey to Dayton...

Specialist Liza and Specialist Adam on a training space mission - STS-127T, July 2009...

At the Air Force Museum

At the Air Force Museum

At the Air Force Museum

US Air Force Museum - In the simulator, practicing for their spacewalk...

US Air Force Museum - In the simulator, practicing for their spacewalk...

Liza - US Air Force Museum

Adam - US Air Force Museum

Liza - US Air Force Museum

Dayton International Airshow

Newport Aquarium near Cincinnati

Newport Aquarium near Cincinnati

Newport Aquarium near Cincinnati

Newport Aquarium near Cincinnati

Newport Aquarium near Cincinnati

Newport Aquarium near Cincinnati

Newport Aquarium near Cincinnati

Petting sharks at the Newport Aquarium near Cincinnati

Cincinnati Zoo

Cincinnati Zoo

At the Wright Memorial, overlooking Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (Huffman Prairie)

At the Wright Cycle Shop

Making candles - Carillon Park, Dayton Ohio

Carillon Park - Dayton, Ohio

Clifton Gorge - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Clifton Gorge - Yellow Springs, Ohio
