COVID Update

I finally managed to slow down my runny nose and watery eyes enough to get some sleep.  That was brutal for a few days!  Pumping a bunch of extra H1 blocker anti-histamines helped with this significantly.  

Because I was experiencing the cascading anaphylaxis symptoms (twice in two days), I decided to use different types of H1 blockers to stabilize my body...   Benadryl, Periactin (a high dose emergency medication), cold capsules...  I would alternate from one to the next every two hours.  This seemed to knock down the cold/flu-like symptoms as well as keep me away from anaphylaxis for the past day so that is good.  

All those extra anti-histamines also helped me get some sleep.  I was exceptionally drowsy from the medications.  I was also exhausted from the illness but the drowsiness really knocked me out.  I slept all day yesterday other than getting up to use the bathroom and eat.  Then I slept for 11 hours last night.  

I feel significantly better today but I'm still stuck with a fever of 99.6 degrees.  I have felt so miserable the past few days that, even with this fever, I am feeling pretty good by comparison.  At the risk of jinxing myself, even my breathing is significantly better.

At this point, I'm pushing toward the end of two weeks of being quite sick with COVID.  It will be interesting to see how long it takes my body to rid itself of this virus this time around.  In the past, it required months of recovery.  Hopefully this time it only requires weeks.  

UPDATE:  My fever has remained throughout the day today.  It is a low grade fever but a fever nevertheless.  The last time I checked, I was still at about 99.1 degrees.  I have a bit of a headache too which is highly unusual for me.  I very rarely get a headache.  It think it is likely due to sinus pressure.  All-in-all, however, today was a better day than the past two days so that is a good sign.  I hope this fever breaks by tomorrow though...  it has been a rather dreadful couple of weeks.  

As can be seen in the photo of the oximeter, my O2 saturation is still good.  My pulse is jumping up whenever I walk across a room though so I suspect my blood pressure is a little high too but I haven't checked that.  Hmmm...  maybe I should do that tomorrow...  Although my headache is across the front of my face where my sinuses are located, a high blood pressure could cause a headache too.  That type of headache would typically be at the top of my head though so I'm leaning toward sinus pressure being the cause of my headache.  

My nose is hardly running now so that is good too.  I am, however, beginning to get a cough so I'll continue to monitor my O2 saturation with the oximeter.  
