
An Aperture Mask

I was evaluating a new solar filter on two separate mornings over the past week.  The views weren't as good as they could be.  These views were brighter than necessary and my research was indicating that reducing the aperture of the telescope might produce better results.  In particular, I was hoping to find a way to see more detail on the surface of the sun's chromosphere.  I always have some scrap lumber lying around so I went looking for a small scrap of 1/4" plywood.  I could cut a hole of the correct size and then cut out the outside diameter.  This would then fit inside the dew shield on my telescope.  The inside hole would provide the new, smaller aperture for the telescope. In this case, my intention was to cut a 60mm hole.  Unfortunately, the drill bit walked a bit when cutting so I screwed up the hole slightly.  Fortunately, I managed to salvage the project by making the hole a 63mm diameter hole instead.  This would change my...

Broken Telescope Tripod

W hen I brought my telescope and mount outside the other day to do some solar observing, a leg bracket broke on my tripod as I was opening up the tripod legs.  This bracket holds the leg in place when it is in use and the tripod is useless with a broken bracket.  My day wasn't starting out too well. I wanted to use this particular telescope mount because it has slow motion control knobs.  These slow motion controls make it easier to keep the sun in the center of my view.  As I slowly turn one knob, the sun stays in the center of my view.  Now I had to move the telescope over to another small mount.  I went back to my new-ish Alt-Az manual mount.  I really wanted to use those slow motion controls for this session though so this was a bit of a letdown.  Having another thing break and added to my to-do list was an even bigger letdown.   As you can see in the photo, the tabs that hold the spreader bar snapped off.  I had fairly recently...

A Half Hour in Hydrogen Alpha

The sun was shining this morning so, on my way to the bathroom for my morning cleanup and visit, I immediately turned on my new Ha (hydrogen alpha) solar filter so it could warm up.  This particular filter requires power to keep the etalon (interference filter) at the optimal temperature so I can see the most details.  The wavelength band varies very slightly by controlling the temperature of the etalon.  The more finely tuned the temperature setting, the more details you will see.  The filter requires about 10 minutes to warm up so I turned it on before washing up and brushing my teeth so it would be ready when I was ready for the day. I then headed out into the frigid single digit temperatures (just like the other morning) with the battery pack in my pocket and the telescope and mount in my hands.  I carefully made my way down to the end of the icy driveway where I have an unobstructed view of the sun quite low in the southeastern sky. I had far more success a...

Unexpected Solar Session

W hen I got up this morning, I immediately noticed that the sun was shining through our windows.  It was very noticeable because this is not something we see all that often and especially not in the dead of winter when it is typically snowing every single day.  The sky appeared blue so it meant I should attempt a quick solar observing session with a new solar filter.  I had received this new filter a few days previously and was waiting for clear skies to use it for the first time. The temperature was in the single digits but there was no wind so I figured that the sun would help keep me warm.  I quickly dressed for the frigid outdoors and collected my astronomy gear.  I headed outdoors for a "first light" with this new filter. As expected with these sort of things, this session didn't go as planned.  It is often difficult to figure out the focus point for a new piece of equipment so I expected to have to play around with different configurations. ...

A Short Solar System Imaging Session

M y previous two blog entries were about this same topic but with different images shot on the same day (earlier in the day during daylight) with the same equipment.  These few latest blog entries are about revisiting some older videos and images in an effort to understand a new software program meant for processing this type of imaging data.  This time around in this blog entry, I'll share the resulting images of some planets and our moon that Sheila and I observed that evening. In case you haven't yet read the couple of previous blog entries, these photos in this blog entry are from a short imaging session I had with Sheila back in November.  We observed the moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus.  I think we were only out there for less than a half hour but we came back into the house rather cold since it was a brisk 40 degrees or so.  That is about my limit on tolerating cold weather and, even then, I don't want to be out longer than a few minutes.  __________...

White Light Solar Imaging

I had previously written about solar imaging in Calcium K (CaK).  In that imaging session, I had used one of my usual nice little refractor telescopes (Skywatcher ED 72mm refractor).  This time I am revisiting an imaging session done in white light when I used a really lousy little Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope.  This telescope is the Orion Apex 102mm Maksutov-Cassegrain (uggg...  I really hate a lot of characteristics of all reflector telescopes and this tiny little guy is no exception) .   Seriously, I do not like this little telescope at all.  I was told that a Mak-Cass would be "razor-sharp" yet this Mak-Cass does not provide a crisp image when compared to any of my refractor telescopes...  not even when compared to my sub-$100 70mm achromatic telescope.  It occasionally needs to be tediously collimated so that the mirrors are perfectly aligned otherwise the views are even significantly worse.  Collimating a Mak-Cass is tedious and...

Solar Imaging

W ith the frigid temperatures outside being down in the single digits and sub-zero range everyday, I've been trying to keep busy indoors.  Of course, by saying "I've been trying to keep busy" I am referring to keeping busy in the little bit of spare time I have between health issues, daily physical therapy, daily piano practice, and down time.  Still, I like to accomplish something and learn something each day regardless of whether it is a good health day or bad health day.   The windy frigid temperatures have kept me indoors.  I don't even like going outside to get the mail in this weather so Sheila does that most days!  As I've written in this blog often, my health fares quite poorly in warmer environments (in the 80s and above) but I've been very sensitive to cold environments also as I approach 60 years old (in a few months, in case anyone wants to know).  I simply have zero tolerance for cold environments now.  (Watching the grandkids at the ...

A Bit Chilly Today

T he past few nights have been frigid in the sub-zero range but the days haven't been too bad...  until today, that is...   Fortunately, we have no need to be outside today.  I think we have some significant snow headed our way tomorrow night so we'll need to be outside on Monday to move snow and rake the roof so hopefully the weather will warm up a bit into the teens or 20s by then.

New Kitchen Sink Fully Installed

T he remainder of the plumbing parts I had ordered for our new kitchen sink installation project arrived last night.  This was good news because they weren't projected to arrive until early next week.  I successfully jumped on what little still needed to be done first thing this morning.  Now the new sink is fully functional! I needed some additional plumbing parts to connect the drain of the smaller sink basin to our waste plumbing so that delayed me in finishing up this relatively easy project.   The drains of our new sink do not line up exactly the same as our old sink so that was the first difference I needed to resolve.  The other difference is that the basins of the new sink are two different depths while both basins of the old sink were at the same depth.  The large basin of our new sink is at nine inches deep while the smaller basin is only eight inches deep.  The different depths really screwed up connecting the new sink to the drain....

Two Recent Unrelated Paintings

You'd think that after two years of a pandemic, I'd have a large collection of new paintings to show but I don't.  Much of my pandemic time was spent reading and researching as I recovered from long term virus inflammation.  I'm still having problems but I am off my crutches and cane and I am now able to do some physical therapy everyday again so that is good.   Any time that I am in a lot of pain, I find that the pain significantly affects my ability to be creative and definitely affects my ability to sit still long enough to paint.  Actually, this sort of pain really drains me of all energy very quickly but, even putting that aside, the pain is extremely distracting which makes concentration and creativity nearly impossible.  That being said, I have occasionally worked on two paintings, on and off (mostly off), during this time period though.   First, I feel the need to point out that these are just small digital files of these rather large mixe...