Silos of the Train Show

A few models at the train show caught my eye especially those models that are models I plan to build and add to my new garden railroad. I'm always looking for good ideas which is one of the reasons why I bring my camera to these shows. One of the buildings I plan to add to our garden railroad is an old coaling silo but I need to come up with a design. Right now I'm going on rather faint memories of a coaling silo in a nearby town when I was a child. My design doesn't need to be of a fully operational condition because I want it to be more like an old abandoned coaling silo... I think, anyway. I know my O scale railroad will be a model of an operational silo but the garden railroad's silo will be more of a symbolic thing from my past so it really doesn't need to be perfectly realistic nor perfectly to scale. Actually, an F scale coaling silo would still be tremendous so I will probably scale it down to avoid it being overwhelming in my rather small ga...