Three Unrelated Photos...

...other than sharing very similar palettes.

I shot each of these three photos a number of years ago. Two of them were actually shot with very old point-and-shoot cameras before I started buying used (but better quality) digital SLR cameras. I can see the flaws with these photos but I'm a perfectionist and most people probably can't see them.

I thought these old photos were worth revisiting. I've never had any of these three photos printed but I think the first photo (the colorful springtime image) would make a nice print.  

I shot the spring photo while out on a walk about five years ago almost to the day... it was May 6th, 2011... I can tell you it doesn't look anything like this out there this May! The lack of a normal winter and having continuous unseasonably warm weather has taken its toll, I do believe. I definitely prefer the bright, sometimes pastely colors of springtime over autumn foliage and this photo is a good example of springtime color... 

This photo of the little tiny ant on a little tiny flower bud was shot in a garden at one of my old homes quite a few years ago... 

This photo of the bales of hay was shot on one of my daily bicycle rides when my health was a little more stable than it is today (about ten years ago?). I wish I still had the health to get out there on a bicycle everyday... or to jog... or to even walk everyday... unfortunately, on far too many days, my health is not stable enough to wander from the security of home nor to wander from help if I need it. This photo, below, reminds me of when I rode my bike or walked everyday...
