
Painless and Effortless... Hard to Remember...

My health has been rather lousy for the past week with the last few days being the worst.  This happens fairly often.  Well actually, it happens far too often!  Anyway, whenever this occurs, I find myself sitting around thinking about all the things I wish I could be doing instead.  I'd rather be building things for the house...  I'd rather be active with some hobbies...  I'd rather have energy for socializing with family and friends...  and I truly do wish I had the energy and health to workout like I used to do every day and not just the basic daily physical therapy I struggle with daily! And, I can't begin to explain how much I miss having a job that I absolutely love. I find myself sitting around trying to remember what it was like to have no pain...  to be able to breath easily...  to be able to do anything at all without pangs of shooting pain...  to have the energy like I did before this illness changed my life completely. ...

Sunday Dinner at Our House

Grammy and Kenzie... Once or twice each month, we invite a few family and friends over for dinner on a Sunday.  This past Sunday was one of those Sundays. Frank and Christine had just returned home from their wedding and honeymoon in Hawaii so it was nice to see them.  We skimmed through the first batch of photos from their trip...   around a thousand...  and we look forward to seeing the rest of the photos when they have them all uploaded and ready for viewing.   We even viewed a video of their Hawaiian beach wedding ceremony!   It was really nice to see the newlyweds and hear about their long tropical pacific trip.  As always, we enjoyed their company this past Sunday. Sheila's parents, Liza and the grandchildren were here as well.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the day together as well as the dinner. Story time... For dinner, I roasted a large top round roast beef...  herb encrusted...  with fresh garlic cloves embedded i...

Artistic Visions and Clear Thoughts

The arts can be an amazing therapeutic tool for those of us living with chronic illness and/or permanent disability.  The arts such as music, drawing, painting, sketching, crafts can provide a much needed pathway for expression when even the simplest of everyday tasks seem overwhelmingly daunting. For the most part, my health has been quite lousy for the past few months.  This sort of health affects every aspect of my everyday life, and unfortunately, this is especially true when it comes to my ability to express my creative, artistic side.  Expressing myself in art is difficult when my thoughts, as well as my emotions, tend to be shrouded in darkness. I have struggled with this sort of thing my entire life.  For many, performing music or being creative in art lightens moods, entices relaxation and rejuvenates one's soul.  On the other hand, there are those people such as myself who just cannot find a single creative nor artistic fiber in my being when I am ...

Health Too Poor for a Hospital Visit?

There is just something about supermarkets and grocery stores that causes major health problems for me.  I don't know if it is a cleaning product that they all use regularly that somehow triggers mast cell degranulation in my body...  or all those horrendous, dangerous florescent lights...  or maybe exhaust fumes from the loading dock being sucked into their HVAC system...  or some unknown trigger for me....  but, my health crashes more often in a grocery store than any other place. I had a pretty good morning yesterday.  I did some light work on our master bedroom hallway.  I temporarily moved some electrical wiring for the furnace to make room for a pocket door.  I removed some studs.  Then I ran out of energy and figured it was time for lunch and then a nap. When I awoke from my nap at 5pm, I felt like my abdomen was on fire.  It was a really weird sensation.  I felt like I had been put in a microwave oven or like radiation w...

Small Project Accomplished!

In my blog post yesterday, I mentioned that getting tasks and projects accomplished  around the house  the past few months   has been difficult, if not impossible, because my energy level is so low.  At low energy times like these, just collecting the tools I need for a specific task or project is enough to wear me out for the day. I suppose the first thing I should explain is what I mean by "wears me out for the day" and "no energy"... What I mean here is that I barely have the energy to walk across a room.  My legs are weak, wobbly and feel as though they could collapse at any time.  I get winded just trying to walk a few feet.  Nausea overcomes me.  My bones and joints hurt...  especially my spinal injuries, but also my ribs, pelvis, legs, knees, ankles and feet.  Sometimes my hands and fingers hurt so bad I cannot hold anything without excruciating pain.  I drop things...  I stumble and trip on things. My energy level...

Summer Break from Medical Appointments is Over

Since being clobbered by Systemic Mastocytosis well over a decade ago, I often have a full schedule of medical appointments and diagnostic testing.  A few years ago, I decided that I just could not keep up this schedule year-round so have consistently taken a break each and every summer.   Now the summer is over and my calendar indicates I need to head to the hospital next week.  I also received a phone call from my primary care doc this afternoon informing me I need to come in for a complete physical.  My energy level has never been as low as it has over the past two months.  I wore myself down at the lake house in mid-June and I just have not recovered.  When I attempt to accomplish something around the house, just collecting tools has been enough to wear me down enough that I can do nothing more.  Then I struggle finding the energy to put all the tools away...  never accomplishing anything other than wearing myself down unnecessarily. ...

Not Attending Academy Graduation

At this time, I should be heading down to Springfield, Vermont for Adam's graduation from the Civil Air Patrol Northeast Region Glider Academy.  However, I will not be attending this graduation. There has been much frustration over how this Academy has been coordinated and managed in the months before Adam arrived for his session.  While Adam was attending the Academy this past week, this frustration boiled over into intense anger due to unprofessional behavior by an instructor at the Academy which could be described as immature and unprofessional, at best.  His behavior certainly was childish and inappropriate.  More importantly, his behavior showed no apparent signs of integrity nor excellence, both of which are core values that these instructors are tasked with instilling in their cadet students.  His subsequent actions (read inactions) have shown no acknowledgement of wrongdoing nor remorse. This incident has left me so incensed and deeply disturbed that...

Another Day at Groton

Our little picnic area on Lake Groton... I wanted to write about this last night but just could not find the energy to do so.  I did, however, manage to post a link late last night on my Facebook page to a small album of photos from our visit to Lake Groton last week.  So, now I will also post that link here and write a little about this latest visit to Lake Groton... First, here is the link to the album...   Lake Groton - 15 Aug 2013. Our original plan was to head back to Groton on Adam's birthday...  August 14th.  Well, the weather didn't cooperate so we postponed the short trip by a day.  Unfortunately, because we postponed the trip, nobody was able to join us.  We still enjoyed ourselves but it was a little disappointing that nobody could make it for Adam's birthday celebration. Putting that disappointment aside, the weather was awesome!  It was a little chilly when the sun was behind the scattered clouds, but the sun was very warm (...

"You Must Have a Really Good Camera!"

Imagine this... You invite some family and friends to your house for a dinner party.  You spend time leading up to the party planning a nice menu which is flavorful and exciting.  You spend time shopping for all the perfect ingredients for your amazing meal.  Then you spend hours preparing and cooking the meal before everyone sits down at the table.   The moment your guests see, smell and taste your well prepared meal, you hear the "ahhh's" and "mmmmm's".   You are relieved to hear the sounds of happy dinner guests...  until...  a thoughtless and somewhat dim, foolish guest loudly exclaims for all to hear, "This is DELICIOUS...  you must have great pots!" Photo shot using a $79 camera... Absolutely ridiculous, is it not? Unfortunately, this is exactly the same as when some thoughtless, somewhat dim person states, "This picture is beautiful... you must have a really good camera!" Let me explain a little by going back to the ...

Using Valuable, Precious Energy

Anything wears my health down...  perhaps I should rephrase that...   Everything wears my health down, even if it is not a physical activity. It is common sense that physical activity can wear us down.  All physical activities easily wear down my health requiring days of rest to recover.  What most people do not understand, however, is that even rather sedentary interests wear my health down just as effectively.   For instance, last week I finished up producing my sailing video.  That entailed sitting at my computer editing video...   taking notes for more edits...  calculating synch times...  applying those edits...   repeating over and over, as necessary...  until the video was finished.  No physical activity nor strenuous exertion was necessary yet this rather simple, sedentary activity wore me down as though I had been at hard labor and sleep deprived for months.  A week later and I am still worn out and exhausted...